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Watching Louis push past me and slam the front door, I knit my brows and walk to my couch. What the fucks his problem? All I did was ask if he was sure hes ok, Not that I should even care, I really dont give a shit. Like I told him 'I dont' but something was definitely wrong with him, Im not sure if hes sick, he was shaking, calmy and sweaty and just snapped my fucking head off for no reason!

Im staring through the big glass in my living room when it hits me.

No...He isnt, he wouldnt, he said hed never do drugs. I sit up with my hands on my knees dropping my head. I visualize the way he lashed out a bit ago and clench my teeth.

Who the fuck even gave it to him? Whered he go to get it? When did he get it? How fucking long has he been doing it?

Fucks sake why are you even worrying about it? You said so yourself you dont give a shit about him, Who cares if he throws his life away and becomes a worthless piece of shit like you? After all you did tell him he'd never fit it did you? Maybe now he'll fit in.

Oh shut the fuck up would you! I shout at the voice in my head. I stand up and grab my truck keys, getting in the truck I go to Timmys. I burst in the building door and see Niall, Liam and Zayn sitting on the sofas. You can see some white powered left over on the table in front of them and its filled with smoke from them smoking weed.

"H hey mate!" I glare at all of them.

"Whats up lad?" Zayn says furrowing his brows.

"Has Louis been here?" I ask looking at all of them. Liam shakes his head no, Zayn looks at Niall and Niall looks from Zayn to me.

"Hello, Im not talking to a fucking wall."

"No man, I dont think so."

"Bull shit!" I raise my voice.

"We only just got here about ten minutes ago dick head. I didnt know we were supposed to be keeping tabs on Louis." Nialls gives a small smirk tilting his head.

"Why are you looking for Louis?" I look at Zayn.

"Because one of you muther fuckers have gave him some coke and now hes feening for more, fucking craving it. I can tell because he acted the way I do when I need it." Zayns eyes move away from mine snapping down to his hands. He knows something, either hes telling me or Ill beat it out of him.

"Ok and?" I snap my head back to Niall.

"Which one of you was it?" I stand straight looking from each of them. Liam hold his hands up with his brows raised.

"Wasnt me H."

"Zayn?" He keeps his head down looking at his hands.

"Zayn! Answer me god damn it!" I yell at him.

"It wasnt me Harry..." His head turns up looking me up and down.

"Big fucking deal, I gave it to him." I hear Niall standing by the counter.

"You. You gave it to him? Did he ask for it or did you force it on him?"

"I didnt force shit, He came here, brought the bag like he was suppose to and I got some coke out lined it up and asked him if he wanted a line, he didnt say no." Niall shrugs taking a sip of his drink.

"I dont believe that."

"I dont give a shit what you believe, You barley know him Harry, maybe hes more like us than you think."I shake my head wiping the sweat on my forehead. Fuck not now.

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