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🎵"If I dont say this now, I will surely break. As Im leaving the one I want to take.  Forgive the urgency, but hurry up and wait. My heart has started to separate. Oh-ooh-oh,-oh oo-oh  Be my baby Ill look after you."🎵

-The Fray-

I get to my knees and put my ear to his mouth and nose to see if I can hear him breathing. His breathing is shallow. I pat his face trying to wake him up. Hes unconcise.

"Louis. Hey, I need you to open your eyes." My voice comes out loud between us. My hands keep patting at his cheeks. 

"Louis!" I say louder. His lids are twitching, trying to open them. I grab my phone out of my pocket and call Dr. Gill. Hes a Dr. I know really well and has came to do house calls when I needed him to. 

"Dr. Gill speaking."

"Sir its uh its H-Harry." Hearing his voice after not hearing it for several years makes my stomach twist with bad memories. 

"Harry son how are you? is everything alright?"

"I need you to come to my house, please its urgent."

"Son I live two hours from you now. If you could get to the nearest hos-."

"I cant take him to a hospital, I know how far you are away from me. Ill pay you one gran if you leave now!" I try to keep my patient at bay but hes pissing me off. He coudlve already left.

"I will not take your money, If youre trying to pay me that much something must be very wrong and youre calling me because you trust me. Ive just booked the flight and it leaves in thirty minutes. Im walking out of my office now." 

"Thank you sir." I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket. I look back at Louis, His face is pale, Blood drying on his nose, his lip is busted, his eyes are bruising already which is making me think hes got a broken nose, His right eye is swelled. I already have a good idea whats happened but Ill wait until I can get an answer from him before I do any dumb shit. I take my keys that are laying beside of me on the porch and lean over him to unlock the door. I twist the handle and push it open.

"Lou, Im going to pick you up and get you cleaned up." Telling him even though he isnt able to respond back to me. I put one arm under his neck and the other under his legs, I scop him up and walk in the house. I dont even bother taking my shoes of, I walk to the stairs and take each one step by step so I dont trip and fall landing on him, hurting him worse than he already is. When I get up stairs I take him to the bath room. I lower my self down on the floor with him still in my amrs, I sit down with him now between my legs. I have never done this, I dont know what the fuck Im doing. I reach down and take his shoes off, he dosent have any socks on so I move back up to his hoodie.

"Im going to take your hoodie off ok? not like youre going to tell me yes or no but Im still letting you know." I take one arm and hold it, pulling at the sleeve of the hoodie. I slip his arm out of it.I do the same with the other side and then I lift his enough to take it over his head. He has no shirt on under it. My eyes see a huge reddish dark spot on his left ribs, Im pretty sure they are broken. God damn it, I know hes hurting, broken ribs hurt like a bitch. Its a good thing hes out of it right now because as much movement as Im doing with him, hed be in a screaming agonizing fit right now. I look at his face and look back at his joggers... Does he have underwear on or am I going to have a suprise when I take them off. 

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