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"I'm sorry." Louis small voice creeps out into Harry's chest. Harry tilts his chin down looking at Louis.

"You're sorry? For what?"

"You had a shit child hood." He gives him a tight small smile.

"Wasnt all bad."

"No?" Harry shakes his head.

"I'd love to hear about the good part, if you're up to it?" Harry's hand raises to run his fingers through his hair.

"Innit weird how we don't know much at all about each other and yet we feel so strongly and deeply about each other?" Harry asks him staring down at him.

"You can love someone from the minute you meet them love."

"Zayn actually told me something like that once before, just think it's crazy how this shit works." Louis chuckles squeezing his arm that's wrapped around Harry's waist.

"Guess I could tell you something else about my personal life."

"Only if you want to." Louis tells him again looking up.

"I'm not one for opening up about my life at all but you, you make me want to do things I never would do." Harry's hand leaves his hair finding Louis and locking their fingers together.

"My mom was the good in my life."

"What was she like?" Harry's soft smile stays lingering on his lips taking his eyes off Louis to look out of the window into the dark morning sky.

"She was beautiful, very strong, she could be too serious at times but only because she wanted the best for me. Her voice was soft and she didn't have to smile with her lips, her smile came from her eyes without having to use her lips." Harry pauses chewing at the corner of his lip.

"She always wanted me to leave that house and go live with my uncle Scott but I couldn't. How could I leave her there with my dad? I still ask my self why she'd expect me to leave knowing damn well I wouldn't. Hell would've froze over before I left her there with him." Harry's voice turns cold. Louis listens closely and never speaking to interrupt Harry.

"He didn't only treat me like pure shit, he did her as well. Hed always get mad at her if she'd accidentally spill her drink or couldn't get her food to her mouth, that is when she would eat being so weak due to the chemo. Most of the time she'd be too sick to eat anything. He stopped bringing her food to her so I took it upon myself to start making little snacks I thought would be easy on her stomach and be easier for her to eat. Once he knew what I was doing I'd get the shit beat out of me and told she's supposed to take care of me, not me take care of her. That evening is when he told her what a piss poor excuse of a mother she was and I felt rage shoot all through my body." Louis eyes are stinging not wanting to have any image of what Harry's telling him in his head.

"I picked up the glass plate and launched it at him barley missing his head. It shattered on the wall behind him. That's the evening I decided I was scared of him anymore. I wasn't going to sit back and let him run over us and treat us like trash. I stood up tall and didn't back away like the small innocent child would've done once before. He came at me and I licked his shin making him lean down to grab it, when he did I kneed him in the face. My mom was crying telling me to stop, practically begging me because when he fell over I was on top of him hitting him with a coffee mug. I don't even remember grabbing the mug still to this day."

"Oh my god Harry. That's fucking awful you lived such a tough life."

"Of course things still happened here and there but after that evening the house stayed quite. He didn't touch me again and he hardly said a word to either me or my mom."

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