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Opening my eyes slowly I feel Louis curled up beside of me, my eyes focus in better from dozing off. We must've fallen asleep on the couch after having our little dance session before eating our breakfast. My eyes glance over at him. His fringe covering his forehead with his lips slightly parted. I kiss the little bit of skin showing on his forehead and squeeze him a little with the arm around him. He moves a little smuggling his head deeper into me.

"Hey." I whisper into his hair. His eyes open. He tilts his head back enough to look up at me.

"What about that date?" I ask him.

"Saturday right?"

"Supposed to be but umm... would you care to go on it now?"

"Really?" I nod giving a soft smile.

"I'm off school for days and we don't have anything else stopping us so why not do it sooner Yea?" I say softly.

"How much sooner?"

"Like now sooner." I chuckle running my hands through my hair.

"Can I shower first?"

"Of course but only if I can shower with you." He climbs over my and motions his head to come with him.


Sitting beside of each other we read over the menu and order shorty after

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Sitting beside of each other we read over the menu and order shorty after. Louis ordered the chicken Alfredo with garlic bread and I ordered a small steak dinner. I tried getting him to order something that came with more sides but he being the stubborn ass he is, wouldn't change his mind. When our food is brought out we start eating.

"What's your favorite color?" I ask him after I swallow my food.

"It's always been red but lately I've become fond of the color green."

"Green?" He smirks taking a bite off his fork with a nod.

"What's yours?" He asks the same question.

"I mean I like several colors like darker colors, maroon, grey's, blacks, but umm... seems that blue is starting to be my actual favorite." I sip my Dr Pepper soon after taking another bite of my food. To tell you the truth I wasn't a fan of blue because it's popular. Almost everyone likes the color blue but his eyes... his eyes have made me change my mind about blue.

"Uh favorite animal?"

"Dogs and probably monkeys."

"I've never heard someone say their favorite animal is a monkey." I giggle.

"Well I'm not just anyone am I!" He laughs.

"And yours?"

"Don't have one." I tell him looking at my plate.

"You don't have a favorite animal? Why's that?" I clear my throat pushing my food away.

"It's probably because I was never allowed to have a pet when I was younger."

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