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🎵 Everybody put up your hands
Say I don't wanna be in love
I don't wanna be in love
Feel the beat now
If you've got nothing left
Say I don't wanna be in love
I don't wanna be in love🎵
~Good Charlotte~

Sex with Louis for the first time was all around amazing of course. I've never had sex with someone like that. It's always been fuck and go. Never fuck cuddle and I love you but it's like I couldn't keep it in anymore. I needed to say it because it's what I was feeling. It's what I do feel, strongly. Ever since we had sex for the first time a week ago we've not stopped. Pretty sure we've fucked everyday since then. That's not all we've done.

We had a movie night twice. Once in my room with popcorn and pizza and the next was in his room with fruit and drinks. Niall, Liam and zayn had came over one night and we play scrabble for a few hours and after that night Louis and I took turns on drawing each other. Mine turned out like utter shit but his turned out to be an amazingly fucking beautiful master piece. He's talented as shit and it surprises me because he keeps it hidden.

It's now a burning Tuesday at school.

"Have you been ignoring me?" James comes up to Louis at his locker.

"No of course I haven't. Why?"

"Seems like you have been since you've been with Harry." Louis shrugs keeping his eyes focused of his books.

"Nope just been busy s'all."

"So can you come with me to the movies Saturday?"

"You want me to be with you alone again after what happened last time?"

"Look, I'm sorry I kissed you alright? I thought maybe we still had a little spark between us but it won't happen again. Just come out with me as friends." James gives Louis a 'please' smile.

"I'll think about it ok?"

"Text me and let me know before Saturday yea?" Louis nods with a tight smile. He looks around his shoulder to see if Harry's at his locker lucky for James he isn't but now Louis is wondering where Harry is because Harry said he'd be at school today but he'd be a few minutes late. It's now going on lunch time and Harry's still not there.

"Hey Niall." Louis says sitting at their table.

"Hey mate." The other boys chime in greeting him.

"You feeling better?" Zayn asks.

"Oh yea, just a bit sore nothing too bad."

"Sorry for not being a better friend and checking on you like I should've."

"S'alright Z, you have a life with other worries I'm sure." Louis gives a small smile.

"Have any of you heard from Harry?"

"Nope haven't talked to em." Zayn says and the other boys shake their heads. Louis knits his brows looking at his phone. When he looks up he sees Harry making his way towards the table. A feeling of relief comes over Louis. Harry sits down and looks at them all because all their eyes are on him.

"What!" Harry snaps and they all look away.

"You said a few minutes late?"

"When I dropped you off I had to run back home and grab my paper you helped me with and then I ended up falling asleep because well you've wore me out from all the fu-."

"Woah! Ok, I get it." Louis says with his face going red. Harry chuckles and shrugs to himself.

"But it's truth innit?" Harry asks with a smirk. Louis shakes his head rolling his eyes with a half grin.

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