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🎵"With a 1000 lies and a good disguise, Hit'em right between the eyes, Hit'em right between the eyes. When you walk away nothing more to say."🎵

-The Offspring-

The first day was alright. Niall, Liam and Zayn had every class with me and Harry if he of been here wouldve had the same ones as well. When the bell rings I walk outside and start walking off the school grounds when I hear a car pulling up beside of me.

"Hey Lou I told you to wait on me at the doors!" Zayn says poking his head out of the window.

"Shit you did, Im sorry I forgot."

"Get it mate." Niall opens the back door for me and I slide in beside of him. Liams in the front seat looking back at me.

"Thanks. Sorry again. I wasnt thinking when the bell rang."

"Are you going home?" Zayn asks turning onto the road.

"Yea, was going to go home and get more shit unpacked." I sigh.

"How long will you guys be here this time?"

"For good, dad got his own business and got everything sorted out from the fraud shit that happened when we had to move." Zayn nods into the mirror looking at me.

"I still cant believe your back!"

"How exactly did you guys become friends?" Niall asks curiously.

"You know how all the kids that have summer school have to go to the same school for the summer because only one of the schools are open for it. Well we had summer school together and ever since then weve been friends and weve stayed in touch."

"Yea yea, ok that makes sense. nother question."

"mmm?" I look over at Niall.

"Can I call you Tommo?" I grin and nod.

"Tommo? yea. Ive not been called that before. I like it." I laugh out nodding again.

"So were going to Harrys if youd rather hang with us for a bit." I look up to the fron at Zayn then back to Niall.

"I uh I dont know.. I dont think he likes me that much." I half laugh.

"But then again he dosent know me not to like me."

"There we go. Thats the energy right there." Niall slaps my shoulder.

"So youll go?"

"Fuck it, why not, worst he could do is tell me to leave yea?" A few minutes later were pulling into a drive way of a big house. Its black two story house, its an odd shaped house really, havent seen one like it before. He has a big black truck in the drive way thats bigger than zayns rover. My heart is thumping harder the closer we get to his front door. Zayn knocks and we all stand waiting. The door flys open and Harrys in the door way in a black t shirt with black skinny jeans and convers on his feet. His facial expressions turn cold.

"What the fuck is he doing with you guys?"

"I uh can leave." I point my thumb over my shoulder.

"Think thats the best idea." Harry says dryly as the other boys push past him going inside only leaving me and Harry at the door.

"Why is your name Harry?" I ask him.

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