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Bax- are we going for our Saturday dinner date like usual?*

Louis- if I don't go are you going to be mad at me?*

Bax- no, of course not! Harry's only here for a few more days. I'd understand lou.*

Louis- today... not a few more. He leaves tomorrow morning.*

Bax- when he leaves I'll come over so you're not alone ok? I know you won't want to be alone and even if you do want to be alone, im not going to let you because you'll be in a sad state of mind that could lead you other places. So I'll be there.*

Louis- thanks bax.* I clock my phone off and slide it on the couch arm. I hear Harry coming down the hall from the bathroom.

"Did you place the order for take out?" I turn my head hearing him.

"Oh, no I forgot. I'll do it now."

"We could go out and eat if you'd like?"

"No id rather stay in." I tell him picking at the skin on my nails. He comes and sits beside of me. I can feel his eyes on me intensely.

"Louis talk to me. You're shutting down, I can tell." He says softly with his sweet voice.

"I'd rather just spend the rest of the day inside with you. I won't have to share you with anyone, can have you talk to me and only me. Giving me all your attention." I grin dropping my hands to my lap.

"You're not a very good liar lou, but if you really want to, we will stay in."

"I do." I nod looking at the tv. I feel Harry's head lay in my lap.  I look down, he's getting himself comfortable. One of his arms is tucked under my thigh holding it and the other one arm is laid over my thighs. I stare at him in awe. Why does he have to leave so soon. Why can't he just... stay here.

"Place the order babe." His voice is low and soft. I grab my phone and call the Italian restaurant around the corner. I order a pizza and a few wings.

"Said they'll be here in about ten minutes." I put my phone down on the couch arm.

"Good, my stomachs growling like a fucking bear." I chuckle patting his head gently.

"I need up." I say looking down at him. He turns his head to the side looking up at me.

"What? Why?"

"Gotta go get my wallet out of the bedroom." He turns his head away and lays it back on my lap.

"You're staying right here." He says watching a rerun of full house.


"I've got mine in my back pocket." He cuts me off.

"I can pay for it."

"I'm Sure you could but you're not going to." He squeeze my thigh making my breath hitch. A few minutes later we head a knock on the door. Harry gets up and walks to the door. I watch him carefully just wanting to memorize everything about him more than I already do remember him. He walks to the kitchen with the pizza and come  back to the living room with two cokes and two plates, he puts the pizza on the coffee table. He tilts his head slightly with a small grin.

"You know what will make me really happy?" He says looking at me.

"Hmm?" I raise my brows.

"Seeing you eat."

"My appetite isn't that great today Harry." I quietly say. I glance up at him. His face is now pouty and his pupils are dilated making my heart throb.

"Maybe one piece.." He cracks a smile. We sit in the living room eating our pizza and wings. He ended up getting three pieces of pizza down me and two wings.  We clean up our mess. He wash's the two plates and dries them putting them back in the cabinet.

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