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Timmy called a meeting this morning so me Niall, Zayn, and Liam are in the lounge of the building out back of his house. Were all missing school today is the only reason Im not flipping shit. Id rather be anywhere but that hell hole.

"What he want? He hasnt called us all in for sometime." Zayn says sipping his soda.

"Hard telling. He probably has more than three deals and needs us all to do the running."

"Im pretty sure I heard him say something about adding a new dealer to our group when he was on the phone with someone earlier." Niall says texting on his phone.

"Maybe its because we keep coming up short on our deals out of nowhere." I snap my head at Liam whos on that damn laptop of him.

"How did you hear him on the phone Niall?" I ask him laying on the couch with my arms over my eyes.

"I was up there counting the left over bags of coke he told me to count for him before I came down here, His phone started ringing and he walked away but I heard his muffled voice through the wall."

"You had your ear against the wall didnt you?"

"Maybe." He chuckles sitting on the couch arm. A few minutes later Timmy comes down to the lounge.

"Alright, I needed you guys here to tell you youre getting a new person to help out."

"Why do we need a new person? we dont need help." I below out still laying with my face covered.

"Because he needed help and also because I said so."

"Sounds good to me." Niall says with the boys agreeing.

"Whats this persons name?" I ask him curiously.

"Youll see, he just got here." Timmy says going back up the stairs. We hear foot steps above us and then they start down the stairs.

"No fucking way." I hear Zayn say.

"Holy." Liam must be looking up from his laptop to give a reaction.

"Harry mate you may want to sit up." Im fine where I am.

"For real, You probably want to see this." Niall pokes at me again. I sit up growling.

"Fucking hell I could give to shits less about who the fuck it i-." When I turn around my words cut off.

holy fucking shit. No way, Theres no fucking way. What in the fuck is he doing? Who the fuck even is that! Thats not the Louis I fucking know. He dosent have tattoos or piercings. What has he done to himself. Why the fuck is he even here?

 Why the fuck is he even here?

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