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"Im sorry I'm calling so late." I sniffle into the phone.

"It's ok what's wrong?" Bax's groggy voice asks.

"Harry... we had a little argument and I told him to get a head start on packing. He left... and- I- he left." My lip trembles.

"Shit, I'm coming over."

"No don't."

"I told you even if you say no, I'm coming anyway."

"I haven't slept. I'm tired. I'll fall asleep soon. So please just let me sleep."

"Call when you wake up?"

"Yea. I will."

"I'll be checking my phone."

"I promise I'll call."

"Get you some rest." Bax says. I end the call and roll over on my side staring at the wall.

My phone vibrates. I reach over and get it.

Harry- you're not nothing, you're everything to me. I'll always want you. I love you lou.*

"Harry." I whisper to myself. I close my eyes tightly not wanting the tears to spill. Why did I tell him to leave early? I'm such an idiot. He loves me, I shouldn't question that. I know he didn't mean anything he said. Maybe he just worded it wrong. I take things the wrong way sometimes and I'm bad for not letting them explain or tell their side of the story. He knows I'm bad for it. I can't believe this is how we spent our last few hours together because of me. I read his message again. I've read it at least twenty times now. Thirty minutes pass by and I feel my eyes heavy and burning. As soon as I close them a knock at the door springs my eyes open. I run them lazily and get out of the bed dragging my feet.

I told him not to come over, that I'd be fine. I just needed to sleep. He dosent listen. He's a really good friend, He helps a lot, no matter the time of day it is. Bax is there.

I unlock my door and twist the knob.

"Bax I told you all I need to do is get some sle- Harry?" My eyes widen. I've been up too long. This is actually Bax standing in front of me. It's not Harry, it can't be. He should be on a plane in the air by now.

"Harry?" I say again.

"I know you're heavy on the no roommate thing but maybe you'll reconsider? If not I'll have to pay for a hotel room every night because there isn't any houses or apartments available right now." He says with his hands on his pockets and his suit case and bag beside of him.

"I- yo-."

"I know there isn't anything available because the other day when I was late and was supposed to go to the studio, I didn't. I went to the housing agency to look for a house or An apartment."

"You looked for a place..."

"I didn't want to leave you lou. I had no intentions on leaving you."

"But what about your home back in Chicago... and la?"

"I don't have one in la. Just the one in Chicago and neither of those places are home." I furrow my brows.

"You're my home baby. Wherever you are, I'll be." I feel the air catch in my lungs and my heart skipping beats every second.

"You're staying... here. With me?"

"Depends on if you still don't want a roommate." He smirks.

"That was only for strangers! That doesn't go for you!" I giggle giving a teething smile.

"So?" He asks bringing his hand out of his pocket and placing it on my cheek.

"I think I'm going to like having a roommate." I pull him into me and reach my arms around his neck. His large hands wrap around my thighs pulling me up around his waist.

"I told you baby, you're mine and you're not getting rid of me." Harry says into my lips.

*I can't believe this fic has finally came to an end!*

*thank you guys for sticking around and reading it! I appreciate all the support <3*

All the love- K 💙

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