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I burst into the hotel room.

"Woah shit! You scared the hell out of me coming in like that." Nialls holds his chest. I glare at him sitting on the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything! Every time I'd open my mouth I'd say the wrong thing! Everything kept coming out wrong! And it just... fuck! Everything is fucked up."

"Clam down mate."

"Louis asked why I couldn't just stay. I said "I have nothing here for me" when I meant to say, there's nothing here for me because all of my things are back in Chicago! But he took it the wrong way!" I shout holding my head throwing my self backwards on the bed.

"I'd of taken it the wrong way to..."

"No shit. But that's not what I meant. If anything, he's everything to me, he isn't nothing. Then he said I didn't want someone like him, and some other shit like that. Has he lost his damn mind Niall!"

"I'll actually say yes to that, the lad is all you think about on a daily."

"Exactly! And he fucking says 'I don't want him or someone like him' he's all I want. Nothing or no one else. Him. JUST HIM!" I raise my voice again.

"Mate, chill the fuck out! You're going to get up kicked out hours early. They'll think we're fighting, when really your just expressing your feelings." I flip him off closing my eyes.

"Did you tell him that's what you meant by saying 'you have nothing here'?"

"He didn't give me a damn chance. Told me to get a head start on packing, rolled over and ignored me."

"So you did?" I furrow my brows looking at him.

"You're such a fucking idiot."

"Watch it."

"When your boy friend or girlfriend says to leave, you don't go. You're supposed to stay regardless of how many times they tell you to leave. Fucking hell harry, even I know that."

"I figured he needed space or something Niall! He was really pissed and upset. If I'd of stayed his little ass would've probably ripped my head."

"Then let him rip your head off! From now on, well I mean... if you see him again after this, anyways, from now on, at least you know NOT to leave when he says to leave."

"Where are you going after this?" I glance at Niall wondering if he's going back to Chicago or to la."

"I think we're going to New York after this."

"You decided to stay on contract and do solo?" Niall nods grinning at me. I sit up smiling.

"You're not a dumb ass after all." We both laugh.

"Mate I'm not understanding something."


"You moved to la and left everything in Chicago..."


"You told Louis you didn't have anything here... but you didn't have anything in LA either?"

"Well, I was supposed to be traveling so I wouldn't need anything from back in Chicago. But now I've decided not to continue doing any of this... are you following now?"

"Now that you're not going to be traveling, you're going to need to get your things from Chicago and take them to la because now you'll need them."

"Holy hell, would you look at that!" He arch's a brow.

"Look at what?"

"You have a brain after all."

"Oh go to hell." He rolls his head. We end up smoking a joint and sitting on the balcony for a few hours just looking up at the dark star lit sky listening to the busy traffic. You'd think with it being four in the morning it wouldn't be so busy but it is.

"Better start packing. We've gotta get going in twenty to make it to the air port." Niall says getting up and walking inside the room. I stay in my seat looking back up at the stars. My finger plays with my lip ring I'm so lost in thought I don't hear Niall talking to me.

"H!" I jerk my head around looking in the room.


"Come on mate, get your stuff ready. Danny is calling. He's out front." I lean over the railing of the balcony and take in the view of the city lit up from the lights. I blow out a deep breath and walk in. I grab my suit case from under the bed and throw it up on the bed.

"I'll tell him your almost finished." Niall says rolling his suit case behind him walking out of the room. I grab my things from the drawers and the bathroom. Once I've finished packing I sit on the bed for a few seconds.

Harry- you're not nothing, you're everything to me. I'll always want you. I love you lou.* I hit send and stuff my phone back in my pocket. I grab my suit case and roll it behind me going out to the front of the hotel. I sling it in the trunk and get in beside of Niall.

"Got everything?" I nod.

"Boys ready?" I'm surprised he's even letting me ride with them because of what I did.

"Let's go." Niall says patting the back of the head rest in the car.

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