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🎵 Somehow I found a way to get lost in you
Let me inside
Let me get close to you
Change your mind
I'll get lost if you want me to
Somehow I found a way to get lost in you
In you
The pain of it all, the rise and the fall
I see it all in you
Now everyday I find myself say
"I want to get lost in you"
I'm nothing without you🎵
🤍❤Three days Grace❤🤍


My wet feet smacking on the floor running after Louis. I run in to his room seeing him stuffing a duffel bag full of his belongings.


"How could I be so fucking stupid! He was right about you, everything he said he was right about!"

"What? Who? What are you talking about Louis? Let me fucking explain would you?"

"Explain what Harry? That you got progressively jealous and decided to be the shit out of someone so you decide to have a quick fuck in the shower with your whore because you're pissed at me!" I walk closer to him gripping my towel.

"That's n-."

"I'm such an idiot for believing you when you yourself told me 'not to believe' everything you say but yet I did." Every time I try to speak he shouts before I can complete a sentence. If he would let me explain what the hell he walked in on he wouldn't have a reason to be thinking the shit he's thinking and what I want to know is who tried filling his head with bull shit and what bull shit they've even said but he won't stop fucking shouting at me for me to get my questions out to be answered.

"Could you for two goddamn seconds stop fucking screaming at me and let me get a word in!" I shout out throwing my hand up.

"You don't deserve for me to listen to shit you say! Everything that comes out of your mouth seems like a lie!" He throws the bag over his shoulder and pushes past me practically sprinting down the stairs. I go just as fast almost fumbling over my feet on the stairs. I stop behind him when he opens the door.

"Why are you leaving!" I say frustratingly running my hands through my hair.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I find you in the shower with another guy and you ask me why I'm leaving? When you're with someone you're not supposed to do shit like that Harry! I know that this 'thing' we had going on is new to you but if you didn't know that's called cheating and I'm not going to be one of the fucking idiots that stays with someone even though they cheat on them!"

"But I-." He cuts me off again.

"You don't love me, you never did and I should've listened to James." My blood instantly heating inside my body hearing his name.

"What the fuck do you mean, you should've listened to him?" My tone turning to anger.

"He warned me that you were no good, people like you only want one thing, that you don't love me. He was right and I was stupidly blinded!"

"People like me? And just what kind of person am I Louis?" I squint my eyes tilting my head feeling my heart beat pick up by the anger rushing in my body.

"A fucking mess who don't give no shits about anyone but himself. That use people to make themselves feel better and you're right, you're too fucked up to know how to love someone." Everything he just said sends a weird knot in the pit of my stomach. For once in my fucked up life I have actually started to find out how to love someone again after losing my mother. When she died she took the love I had in my body with her but when he came into my life a sparked that emotion back up bringing light back on the meaning of the word.

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