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when the bell rings for lunch I go to the detention room and slouch in the desk. I cant believe this stupid shit. Because of him Im having to waste my time in this hell hole longer than needed. I lay my head on the desk and hear the door open. I glance up and see Louis walk in. He sits on the third seat beside of me. I groan in annoyance. Whyd he have to sit right there. He couldve taken the seat in the main back.

"Youre here for the next two months arent you?" I mumble.

"Uh yea I am?"

"Fuck me" I slam my had back onto my arms that are crossed on the desk.

"Jeez." He sarcastically laughs.

"You know if you wouldnt have been late youd know we have every class together, so youll have to get use to me being this close to you and plus for the next two weeks and those three Saturdays."

"No need to remind me."

"You know you really dont have to be such a dick to me. Im not a hard person to get along with."

"Who said I wanted to get along with you?" I arch a brown turning to look at him.

"Well were going to be stuck with each other these next few weeks, might as well try to get to know me before you continue being an arrogant son of a bitch yea?" I sigh and shake my head.

"Im good mate, believe me." I check my phone and see I have a text from Timmy.

"Youre late. Theyve been waiting on you got twenty minutes. Where the fuck are you?"

"Shit!" I look up and see that the teacher isnt in the room yet.

"Dont be a fucking snitch." I say standing up.

"Where are you going."

"Like I said I have shit to do out side of this place." I go to walk towards the door and Louis stops me walking up to me.

"Wait!" I look down at him."

"What?" I furrow my brows.

"Let me look first and make sure the teacher isnt coming and if she is Ill distract her."

"Uh... ok?" Louis nods opening the door looking out into the hall. He steps out and I hear him talking. I peek out and see he has the teacher turned around, Her back towards me. I take it as my que to go and rush out into the teen filled hallway.

*Got caught up. Im on my way now."

*Do you have their supplies?*

*It wont take but a second to stop and grab it.*

*Jesus Styles hurry your ass up!*

I go to the lunch room and find zayn at our table.
"Timmy needs us to do a run." I bend down to tell him.

"This is getting ridiculous! Why dosent he tell them it has to be after three or later? We can't keep leaving school or we're going to get questioned."

"Yea and you know if we say shit to him we will have consequences to look at. You know he dosent fuck around." Zayn huffs and follows me out to my truck. I speed off to my house. I run in and go to my room grabbing the bag from under my bed and get four bags of coke and three bags of roxie out. I grab one bag of coke out and run over to my desk and do a quick line. I blink my eyes rapidly a few times. My thoughts go back to minutes ago. Why did Louis voluntarily risk getting in more trouble for me? Maybe he's trying to suck up to me or maybe hes setting me up. If he gets me in more trouble I swear he'll  regret living here. The coke I did wasn't enough, It barley knocked the edge off but I don't have time to do another. I grab the bag and go back out to the truck.

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