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~Warning my loves~

"Will you please come with us tonight?" Louis begs sliding his fancy jacket on.

"Prom isn't really my thing lou and besides I'm suspended remember?"

"Yes I remember but you also have shit over every teacher and the principal at the school! You could go."

"That's true but I also just said prom isn't something I go to. I don't like it, never have been interested in things like that." I tell him, walking up behind him with my eyes looking over him in the mirror.

"Not even for me." He pouts. I grin shaking me head.

"No baby, not even for you." He rolls his eyes bowing out heavily.

"Fine whatever!" He turns looking up at me.

"You go and have fun yea? Go enjoy yourself but save a dance for me." I miss his head.

"Save a dance for you? How, when you won't be there."

"I won't be there, I'll be right here waiting on you to get back and that's when I'll have my dance with you. We will dance around this whole fucking house." I smile beaming down at him.

"I'll be coming back home as soon as prom is over. I'm not going to any of the after parties or any of that."

"Good, cause I'll be waiting on you to walk back through the front door at eleven o clock and Louis..." I glance at the clock seeing that Niall, Liam and zayn should be pulling up at any time. They said they'd be here at eight but it's going on eight ten.

"Hmm yea?"

"I like how you said 'home' I give a soft smile." He playfully shoves me shoulder.

"This is my home Harry." He raised his arms pulling me into him hugging me.

"You're my home now." He whispers into my chest. I squeeze him resting my chin on his head.

"Yea... you feel like home to me too." Heading a horn honk Louis pulls away from me getting excited.

"Ok, that's the boys! I've got to go." He smiles brightly turning on his heels walking out of the bedroom. I follow behind him down the hallway.

"Hey Lou?" I say stopping and looking at the floor.

"Yea?" I look back up rubbing the back of my neck with one hand while the other one is shoved in the pocket of my skinny jeans.

"Is uh... James going to be there?" I chew the side of my lip knowing I sound like a little bitch even asking this. I'm still fucking jealous and have no reason to be. I have Louis, not him. He's mine. Louis furrows his brows at me.

"I- I don't know Harry? I've not spoken to him or even thought about him since he and you had that fight." I look back down with a nod.

"Hey." I hear him getting closer soon he's standing right in front of me.

"Don't you trust me?" My eyes scan over his face. I sigh with a half grin.

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