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"Louis!" I shout slamming the front door shut. I quickly glance around the down stairs and see him no where. Running up the stairs taking three steps at a time I land at the top of the stairs jogging down to his room. I turn the knob to his doo and push it open. 

"Lou." I let out a breath I was holding in. Hes rolled on his side with his back facing me. I walk over to him, seeing as he didnt turn when I busted into the bedroom. Hes asleep when I get in front of him. 

Did he have some of his own I didnt know about? Did I have some stashed somewhere and forgotten about it? Now that Im thinking about it, Im going to have to search the places I have put my fixes to make sure they are clear. I inhale roughly and kneel down in front of him. I shake his shoulder and wait for his eyes to open to see if his pupils are dilated and red from the coke. 

He lets out a groan of irritations. I shake him again. 

"Hey Lou?" I say softly. He squints one eye open looking at me. 

"Im sleeping Harry." He whines. I chuckle watching him close his eye back. 

"Can you wake up for one second and then you can go back to sleep?" He rolls his eyes open and gives me a blank stare. I close my eyes for a second and open them back up looking at him.

"You didnt do it." My tone comes out as a whisper. 

"I didnt do it." He repeats. 

"What made you calm down?" He shrugs and looks away from me. 

"Tried taking a few deep breaths but that didnt help, only caused me to be in pain so I started thinking about art." 

"Yea?" He nods slowly. 

"How are you feeling now?" 

"M'better. Not even thinking about it anymore." 

"S'good and what about pain? are you feeling better from getting your ass beat?" I give a small grin.

"Fuck you asshole." He laughs back at me. 

"I uh, Im actually feeling alot better. Im still hurting and sore but not as bad as before." He says rolling onto his back. I stand up and walk to the foot of the bed. 

"You need anything?" He knits his brows staring at me. I raise a brow back. 

"The fuck is all over you?" Both of my brows are raised now, I look down at my hands and clothes and then back at him. 

"I... Ive got to go take a shower. Need anything before I go?" 

"No, I want to know why you have blood all over yourself and whos is it? I know it isnt yours because you dont have a scratch on you." 

"Its really not important Louis." He sits up giving a scolding look.

"Did you kill them?"

"What? No what the hell?"

"Thats alot of blood... Did you help slotter a fucking pig?" I shake my head and turn away from him. 

"I beat the shit out of someone, couldve killed him, shouldve killed him but I didnt. End of story, drop it." I say walking out of his room. I go get my clothes and head to the shower. Im not going to not tell him about what happened, Im just not telling him right now. Too much has happened today, if he asks me about it again then Ill tell him. 

When I finished my shower, I do a quick search around the house for my stash places. I ended up finding three bags of coke. One in the bathroom under the toothbrush holder, one under the sink in the kitchen and one in the living room behind the tv. I run to the bathroom and stand over the toilet. I stare blankly at the three bags in my hand. My throat going dry and my palms and forehead sweating. I close my eyes and swallow hard. I really want to line all three bags up and snort the, I need to feel that feeling just one more time. Just one more time. I move the bags around in my hand and clench my fist around them. The second I open my hand back to slip and cave I hear him. 

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