Chapter 15

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"Harry!" I scream stomping up the stairs

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"Harry!" I scream stomping up the stairs. When I get to his room hes standing staring at me with a bloody smirk on his face. 

"You holler for me?" 

"What the fuck was that about? Why would you be so rude to someone you dont even know?" 

"Im a rude person, you yourself should know that by now yea?" 

"Hes my friend, you had no right to treat him the way you did."

"Hmm... When I found out you were Zayns friend, didnt I treat you like shit?" I roll my eyes huffing out. Hes full of shit! He had no right to be such a rude ass. 

"And after all Louis, this is my house isnt it?" 

"Yes it is your house." 

"With that being said, I say who is allowed here and who isnt and Him, Yea I dont want him here." He shrugs at me tilting his head. 


"Because I dont want him at my house." 

"You dont know him to not want him here." 

"And and I dont want to know him. Anyways, I need to talk to you about something."

"You didnt want to get to know me either and now look! Im living with you and we do... things. Youve given me chance so why cant you give him one?"

"Because Louis I dont fucking want to have nothing to do with him, I dont even want you to have anything to do with him." 

"Why! Why Harry? Whats the reason for fucks sake?" I raise my voice. Hes pissing me off not giving me a simple reason. 

"Because I think I lo-."

"You might as well get the fuck over yourself because hes moving here in just three days so youll be seeing lot more of him." He was about to say something but I didnt give him time to speak. His mouth closes as fast as it opens. He now slouching playing with his lip ring and staring at the floor. 

"Get out, Get out of my fucking room Louis." He says still blinking at the floor, twisting his lip ring.

"I can do better than that!" If hes going to keep throwing 'This is my house' in my face then he can have his house back to himself! Hes not going to treat my like Im a child, telling me who to be around, what to do, what not to do, who can be here and who cant be here. I get it its his house so Ill be respectful enough to just leave. James in one of my best mates, Im not going to stay away from him for what reason I have no fucking idea because there isnt one. Harrys just being an arrogant asshole because thats all he is. 

I walk out of his room and go straight to mine packing a bag. Where the hell Im even going to go I dont know but Ill find somewhere. When Im finished I leave and start down the side walk. 

Louis~ Im so sorry that happened! Thank you for today though, I had a fun time (:

James~ Dont apologize Lou, Its fine & Of course! Thank you for coming along. I hope it didnt cause much trouble.

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