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I keep my hands on the shower wall in front of me keeping my head down. I look at the arms wrapping around me with the water going into my eyes. What the fuck is happening? I watch as Louis hands start moving slowly trailing down but I grab both of his wrists and stop them. I can feel my breathing pick up. I clench my teeth and move his hands. I turn around and look down at him. 

"Louis what are you doing?" 

"I need a shower to. I figured you could use some company."

"No I actually was fine showering on my own and you should be in the bed." His face drops and he scoots back a few inches. 

"Well this is embarrassing." He mumbles covering himself.

"What is?"

"Rejection... It was fine for me to give you a blow job though right? You sure didnt turn that down."

"First off I had no fucking idea you were about to suck my dick when you did."

"You never told me to stop did you?" He got me on that one.


"Just forget about it Harry, its not that big a deal. Im use to rejection and being used when the other person sees fit." He says scooting by me to get in front holding his ribs. Im not rejecting him. He caught me off guard. What was I supposed to even be rejecting in the first place? He never asked me for anything.

"What was I rejecting Louis?"

"I said forget about it Harry."

"No Im not forgetting about it Louis." 

"What the fuck did you come in here to do?" He shakes his head and stays quite. 

"Did you come in here to give me a hand job? Suck me off? Or was you planning on something more like fucking me?" I ask him bluntly. 

"Harry I said fucking forget it! I told you Im fine getting rejected so drop it!" I stare at the back of his head. The water soaking him from head to toe. His hair clinging to his neck. I watch the water run down his shoulder as it trails down his back to his ass. My eyes stare hungrily at the round plump view in front of me. 


I move my feet closer until Im right behind him. I tower over him looking down but he cant see me where his eyes are closed. I link my arms around his small wait gently and lean my chin on his shoulder. He jumps at the touch. 

"Im not rejecting you idiot. Youre fucking hurting right now and Im not going to hurt you even more by doing, well whatever the hell it was you were planning on doing when you came in here. Even if it was only going to be a hand job, you shouldnt be out of the bed without help and you know that."  He leans his head back resting it on me. His eyes still closed. The hot water hitting on both of us.

"I really did need a shower." 

"You couldve told me that before or after I got mine and Id of helped you. I told you thats why Im staying home, to help you because you need it. Did I not?"He nods his head. I stand up and remove my arms. 

"Is this going to make things weird between us?"

"What? You coming in here trying to seduce me?" I giggle out and he rolls his eyes.

"No Lou, I kissed you didnt I? Thats what shouldve made things weird, for me at least because I dont kiss...but with you its different, Things are different. Im different." I give a half grin looking down at him. 

"Im sorry for ruining your shower time." 

"Nah nothing to be sorry about."His head still leaned back on me. 

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