New Beginning

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"Hello Mommy." " Hello my beautiful girl. How are you?" " Fine, just finished up the last few things I needed to do before caughting my flight out in the morning." I told her packing up some more of my clothes." "Are you sure you want to do this, I mean leaving the life of Paris to come to the States is a big step. Your father is going to miss you terribly." My parents divorced when I was 10 years old. He could never stop cheating on her and they constantly fought over the stupidest shit. Now my father is remarried and has another baby on the way. The only reason I lived with him was to finish out school and continue with my dance and gymnastic. "OH I am sure dad will be fine, he will have enough on his plate once the baby arrives." "I am so excited to finally have you here my love." she stated and I know she was telling the truth, my mom and I has always had a great relationship and it was always hard leaving her when the summer was over. "I can't wait to see the new place." I told her grabbing all my flight information placing them in my bag. 

" I think you love it. It is a fresh begining for the both of us." " And the new job? How is that working out." "It is alot of long hours, but I will do my best to be there whenever you need me." "Don't fret mom, I am 17 now, not a baby." I told her brushing my long blond hair into a ponytail." "Please don't remind me." she chuckled. "So I will met you at the baggage claim at 4pm our time." she continued. "I can't wait." I said looking out my large bedroom window. "Baby you are going to love South Carolina." "I hope so." I told her. "Phoenix, Its time for dinner." my father yelled. "Coming" I shouted down. "I am sorry mom I have to go. Dad wants a family dinner for my last night here." "Oh lord I hope he didn't cook." We both laughed. "Love you mommy." "Love you more beautiful." And we hung up. I smiled at my phone and set it down. 

My mother Rosalie Marie Jackson Mancuso finally finished her schooling and is now a full time Registered Nurse at MUSC Health Medical Center. She has worked hard to get to this point in her life which is another reason why I stayed with my father. Even though he had his own work as and Executive for a large Business Firm he settled with Paris, which is where we lived for the past 7 years. Our true home was Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, but we all hated the winters there, even though Paris does get snow it is nothing compared to the ones in Pennsylvania. I truly am excited out the move to South Carolina where it is warm all the time. I looked around my room once more for I know once I am gone my purple and pink room that has been that way since we moved in will be painted blue or green for the upcoming little boy. I smiled and headed down the stairs to have dinner with my father.

"I promise I did not cook this, I ordered out." My handsome father said smiling. His bright smile was large but his brown eyes were sad. "Thank god for that." I said hugging him and kissing his cheek. "I said the same thing." Francesca my fathers new wife smiled and glowed while looking at him. She is a wonderful person, very caring and respects my space and relationship with my dad. Her long black hair was pulled back and her once slender body is now enormous due to her 8 months pregnant stomach. "Dinner looks great dad." I said taking a seat. "Are you all ready to go?" Fran asked while passing the rolls. "I think so." I handed my father the basket of rolls. "This is good for you and your mom. She has been working really hard for her career." My dad said passing food. "Your school is one of the bests." Fran chimed in. "Lets hope it will help me get into Julliard." " I am sure it will. Your mom said it recuits from the school you will be attending." "What if we can't afford it." "Stop worrying about things like that, this is one of the reasons your mother and I work as hard as we do." he told me. I sat there looking at my father. He was a tall man, with a slender built but has great features. He always says I take my mother's side of the family. My blond hair I get from her but small figure from him and the fact that I always work out for dance and gymnatics so I have a tone body. "Just keep doing you and everything will work out." Fran said with a smile. "I am sorry that I will miss the baby being born." "We will Skype." I laughed. "You mean Facetime." I corrected. "Whatever it is. We will talk constantly." "That is a promise." I told them.

After I helped with the clean up. I headed upstairs to my room. I googled the house where I will be living. The house was a nice size from what my mom told me. I have a large room with my own bathroom. My mom gave me the master bathroom because she doesn't like large bedrooms with unused space. I always thought that was weird. I have a large balcony with french doors. The other houses around mine were simple except for one. A large mansion was set next to use. With alot of land and alot of house. I looked up the owner. A family of 5 lived there. The Diamandis family. Mother Arti, Father Jarvis and three sons. Dimitrius, Aries, and Gabrielle. I search for a photo. "Damn talk about Greek Gods." I said when I seen the photo. The father was a big man in Charleston, hell in South Carolina. He has one of the largest building in the districts, working with cars almost like Tesla or Mercades.  Diamonds is the company name. I scoffed. " I dont' see Porsche anywhere, so your not that big." I continued to scroll.  The oldest boy just graduated college and will help with the family business. The youngest boy is only 16 will attend the same school as me, then there is the 2nd eldest. Aries, He was tall and seemed a bit more rebellious. Ears are pierced and his bone structure is sharp. He is very good looking, hell i could easily lose myself in his green eyes. I shock my head and closed my eyes along with the laptop. 

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