Family Business

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I knocked on my dad's office door. "Come in." I heard opening the door. "Sit down son." he said with his back to me. I obeyed and sat down, not much longer my older brother comes in and takes a seat on the couch next to me. "Ares. The summer is almost over." "Yes sir." "So you know what will be happening correct." "Yes sir." "You will make sure to do your best." "Of course father, I will do my best." "Not that you have to try so hard. You are a very smart boy." "Thank you sir." I said. "Now, what exactly was the reason for this huge party last night? I mean I know you have one right before school but isn't that usually around the first day of classes." I looked at him and then my brother Dimitrus. "Mind if I have an answer." "Sorry sir, A friend of mine had a birthday, I wanted to throw a party." I answered. "Was this party for a girl?" "Yes sir." 

"You boys know I don't mind the parties and ask for you to be responsible, In every way." "I was keeping an eye on things Father, everything was good." Dimitri said. "Good, who is the girl." he asked. I didn't answer and kept my head down. "Aries?" he pushed. "It was for the girl next door." Dimitri answered. I looked at him again. "The girl next door?" "She stayed here as well." Dimitri kept running his mouth. "Is there something going on between you Aries and this girl?" I looked up at him. "Aries?" "I am sorry father I was waiting for Dimitri here to answer for me." "Well is there something going on?" he asked again. "No sir." I lied to him and myself. Dimitri sat back with a smirk on his face. "What did I tell you about girls."

 I just looked down. "You will be entering college soon and then joining me and your brother here at the company. Sleep with as many girls as you want but no relationships. And most of all be careful and responsible." "Father she is a real nice girl, and very talented." "I don't want to hear it Aries. You come from a very strong blood line and we don't need no gold digger coming here claiming you knocked her up." I was instantly pissed off. "She is not like that dad!!!" I said with a harsh tone and standing. "You will listen to me boy!!" He argued. I quickly sat down while Dimitri sat up. "Your focus is school, sports, and the company do I make myself clear." "Yes sir." I said through my teeth. "Good. Enjoy the rest of your summer, you may go." I quickly got up and headed out the door and back to my room. Slamming it behind me I grabbed a picture frame throwing it against the wall. Running my hands through my hair. A knock on my door made me turn, I opened it. Laurie was standing there. "Sorry Aries I didn't know you was still here." she said. "No problem what did you need." "I was just going to clean up." "Can you come back later please." "Your picture, it is broken, at least let me clean this up." she said coming in and headed to the broken glass. 

I let her do her thing, when Dimitri appeared. "What the hell do you want." I asked him sitting on my bed. "Laurie could you give us a few minutes." he said. "Of course." she said leaving the room. "Giving me some lectures big brother." I said heading to my closet. "What is really going on with the girl next door?" "None of your business." I told him. "Do you like her?" "Again not your business." I set my clothes on the bed. "Just answer the question." "I don't know how I feel about her." I admitted putting my hands up. "Is it more than just a piece of ass?" I couldn't answer him. "Well hopefully last night filled your craving." "We didn't do anything last night." I told him looking out my window. "You heard what dad said." "Look you have nothing to worry about alright." "Well then, these belong to her. I told her I would hold them. She got alot of cards here, that should pay her off." "Don't talk about her like that." I stared at him. He put the cards on my bed and left.  The bed was still a mess, she was laying there almost naked, beautiful. Her taste still lingered, her smell still lingered. She still lingered. 

I grabbed the pillow she was laying on, taking her in scent again. I need to sleep with her and soon, that way I can stay away from her for good.

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