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Aries sat at the kitchen table holding his phone waiting to hear anything. The air in the house has changed drastically. Jarvis kept his word and has been paying for Phoenix hospital bill and any or all treatments after. He apologized and has come to reason. He just asked that we as the Diamandis family stick together, and work hard as we always did, to make the business stay successful. We all agreed to that. He also apologized to Aries. He wanted his son, all of his sons to be happy and to live there life. He has accepted Phoenix and seen she did him well. When it came to Aries parents, things were not as good. Their father packed his belongings and has been staying at one of our Hotel Branches, in the city. He has told Dimitri to take sometime off and to be a young bachelor. For Gabe, he was allowed to be normal and go to regular school and had to join at least one sport team. He agreed to the terms. 

Phoenix father was by her side the very next morning. He cried for his daughter and sat at her side for what seemed to be a lifetime. When he had to leave because the nurse was doing her exam and changing her bandage, he went up to Rose. "How the hell did this happen?" "It is a common issue, it wasn't nothing anything did." "She is in a fucking hospital bed, she was pregnant." "Ectopic pregnancy is common. She was on birth control, she was using protection, and she is 18 years old, way longer than you and I, so don't sit there and blame me for this," "What dance, and gymnastic." "She is 18, I am sorry if she found the key to her chastity belt." Rose argued. "This boy continued to hurt her, and yet you never stopped her from seeing him." "Why would I do that, she is an adult, she will still see him regardless, hell the boy was climbing into her bedroom balcony. Do you think I bought this house, just so that could happen?" "Who knows with you." "I can't believe you. That boy is just like you, he got what he wanted and just threw them away, but he didn't do that with Phoenix, he fell in love with her." "He fell in love with her, where is he?" " I told him to give her space." "He fell in love with her, he is a boy, a 19yr old punk." Fred ran his hand through his hair. "Fred she will bounce back from this and will be physically healed in time for her competition, if that is what you are worried about." "I am worried about my daughter." he said hugging Rose tight. "This boy is unconditionally in love with our daughter." "I thought it was rough in the teenage years, you got the worst of it." They laughed. 

I got off the elevator bringing lunch for Rose and fresh flowers for Phoenix, my mom came with me. I seen Rose, and a gentleman hugging her. They released there hugs and Rose smiled at me. Mom, and I headed over. "Aries, this is Phoenix father Fred Mancuso, Fred, Mrs. Arti Diamandis, and her son Aries." she introduced. I set the bag down and wiped my hand on my pants. "Hello sir, it is nice to meet you." Fred took a minute, sighed and then shock my hand, then shock Arti's hand. "Hello." she smiled and then hugged Rose. Rose came over and hugged me. "I brought you lunch. I got it from that little Italian place we went to, I hope that is ok. There is plenty there for both of you." I handed her the bag. "Thank you Aries, that is so nice of you," Rose took the bag. "There is no change, go ahead in and visit for a moment." she told me, I headed there. 

"How is she?" Arti said, taking a seat. Rose and Fred sat down. "She is alot better after the blood transfers, we are hoping she will wake up tonight now that her body has recouped some red blood cells." "That is wonderful news." Arti said taking Rose hand. "How is Aries?" "Alot has changed with his father, his brother. Thanks to Phoenix the truth of things finally came out." she smiled and then continued. "He is hurting though, I don't think he got any sleep. He hasn't eaten. I have never seen my son like this, and its wrecking me, I can't help him. I don't know what to do. I was to busy drowning my issues because of a marriage that has never made me happy except for the boys, I fought for him and Phoenix, he has never had a smile on his face, until she came into his life. I will always cherish that girl." "I know he loves her, unconditionally." "Maybe a wedding in the future." "Lets not rush it." they all said and laughing. 

"I miss you." I told her kissing her hand. She had more color to her face now. Her hand was warm and her face was perfect. I kissed her forehead and then looked at her stomach. A baby. I was going to be father, even if it was an accident, it would of been the best accident. I would of had a piece of her forever. I would have her forever. I wanted to have her forever. My tears fell on her hand. My mom came in. "Son, we better go." she whispered. I nodded. Arti came over and kissed her forehead and went to the door. "Son, come on. Rose will call." she said. "I love you." I kissed her lips and then her hand and left. 

Once we was home, we went inside. "Are you hungry?" "No, thank you. I will be in my room." I said heading upstairs. I grabbed my laptop and started looking at my Facebook page. I changed my statues to 'in a relationship', and posted tons of decent pictures of me and Phoenix. I even posted the ones from that horrible night, because she was beautiful. I touched her face. She was still carrying our baby at that time. My tears just fell, I couldn't stop them, I couldn't breath. I was drowning. I had to control myself. I had to stay strong I can't lose it right now, I have to be strong, go her. Anything for her. 

I was surprised her father didn't kill me when he seen me. Rose talked to him and stuck up for me. Why couldn't be like that with my family. Yes, things are different now but it took something like this to make it happen. It took Phoenix to change a wild, annoying, heartbreaking kid, into who I am now. Her and I only got together in September but it seems like a lifetime. I could easily spend a lifetime with her. 

Hospital: "How long are staying here?' Rose asked. "As long as needed. Fran understands." "Oh I know, I was just wondering. I have a couch available." she said. He smiled. "I will take you up on that." he said taking her hand and then taking Phoenix's hand. "Despite everything we have been through Rose, we did have a beautiful, talented, and smart kid." "We did. So I hope you understand more about the situation." "I do, I get it, with the whole Ectopic pregnancy and the boyfriend. I was just overreacting. It is sad seeing her like this." "She will be fine, I hope." "I don't know, this is pretty bad." "She can have more children, later way later on down the road. There hasn't been any damage, but they did lose a baby either way you are looking at it." "Our grandchild." Fred said in shock. They both started to cry. 

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