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The alarm went off. I wanted to hit the snooze button and keep sleeping, but it's my first day of school and I had to get up. I was on the phone late with Kourtney deciding I had to tell her what happen with Aries. She is worried, but told me she would have my back and wished me luck. I looked at my clock and groaned. Sadly crawling out of bed I headed to the closet. I straighten my hair last night so all I had to do was go back over it. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a pair that I got from Paris. They hugged my hips nicely. I grabbed a belly top to show off my new belly button ring, since I changed it out to a silver one with glittered or diamond stars, the diamonds were fake, but I loved it so I got it. I slipped on a little longer tank top  with spaghetti straps and then the smaller belly shirt over it. It was a dark green tank top with a green and white belly shirt. I grabbed my boots and slipped them on before checking my hair again. I pulled at portion back so I wasn't in face all day. I fixed my make up and headed out to the patio for a cigarette. When I sat down I seen the blue box with a note. 

"Wear this whenever you are ready just please don't give it back. Have a great 1st day." Your, Aries. 

I wondered if he was doing this just to get into my pants again or if was truly going to try dating me? I guess we was going to find out but this time I will have some of my wall up. He hasn't completely knocked my wall down just yet. I finished my cigarette and headed downstairs with a smile on my face. I reached the kitchen and grabbed myself some orange juice. My mom left me a messaging me a good day and will see my tonight. I headed to school.

When I got here, Kourtney found me, swung me around and then pulled me over to a group of people. "Everyone this is my best friend Phoenix, and yes that is her name." she laughed as did they. "Hey." I said to everyone. "Well I guess I have replaced." A guy said. "Oh please Justin, I can have more than one best friend." He shrugged. He wasn't to tall but average height. He had sandy blonde hair, with brown eyes. Kourtney would talk about him alot, he has been away doing humanitarian work overseas with his family. "I have heard a lot about you Phoenix." he said keeping his hands in his pockets. "Same here, welcome back." "Welcome to SC High. The teachers are old, the books have a smell and I usually ignore most of the drama of Highschool." he said. We all laughed. "Where is your locker?" "Um, down here somewhere." I pointed. Justin looked at my schedule. "You have some classes with me, and you are in Kourtney's homeroom." "Great, my dad worked his magic." she said. "I had him make a call." I shock my head laughing. "Come on lets enjoy this first day as a Senior." she smiled and headed down the hallway. 

The day ran quick, I found all of my classes and ended up in the gym on my last period. I changed into my practice clothes and headed out to get to the studio. I lit a cigarette and started walking getting there about an hour later. Again I pushed myself to the point of exhaustion. By the time Friday came along. I was completely drained. We had to use the private school outside field to doing running on their tracks. I was wearing a pull over hoodie and shorts running the track with Kourtney. The whistling was getting annoying when we started. 


"Push ups, push ups, push ups." The coach yelled. I pushed hard, I was going to do everything my father wanted and show him I can have a relationship at the same time. I am not him. After the 5th set of push ups the coach yelled to take a few minutes. The public school had to use our track for gym class, since there field was going to be repaved. The whistling started when the group of girls came out. I was about to turn my head when I seen Phoenix with Kourtney and man she looked good. Drake came over to me. "Lets go boys." coach yelled. "Hey isn't that your neighbor? The ballerina or something." "Dude she if fucking hot." We both looked at the guy. "Ya that is my neighbor, and my girlfriend." I said it out loud. I hit the guy in the stomach and headed over to her. I ran right up to her and picked her up. I was showing everyone that she was mine. "Aries what the hell are you doing?' she said looking down at me. I set her down on her feet and planted a kiss on her lips, then ran back onto the field. "I needed good luck." I called and went back to the group to finish practice. 

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