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I headed downstairs before Phoenix was done. I went to my mom and asked for the box. I placed it in the tree but took the ring out and placed it in my pocket. I was wearing my usual black slacks and a red shirt with a black jacket. My mom kissed my cheek. "I love you son." she said, tears forming." "Love you to mom." Gabe and Kourtney came in smiling with her parents and younger brother. "Where is Drake, I miss my man." I said. Drake came up behind them. "Of course I am here man, we are family." He said hugging me. "Good to see ya man." I told him. He went to Florida on a sports scholorship, he had his new girlfriends Lisa with him. She was tall and had some weight on her but in a good way. Her hair was dark and shoulder length. He looked good and happy.

Kourtney and Gabe were holding hands and kissing under the mistletoe. She was dressed in a silver dress, and looked really nice. Gabe adored her and I could see them getting married soon. We all gathered and was talking. The doorbell went off and Laurie went to answer it. Our friend Beth came in. "Merry Christmas everyone." she said. "Hey what are you doing here?" Kourtney asked. "She is with me." Dimitri said smiling and going over to her, kissing her. We all looked at each other. "What?' I said shocked. "I ran into Beth while opening the new club. We started hanging out and well here we are." Dimitri said. "That is awesome." Kourtney said. Everyone agree. Laurie walked in Phoenix's family shortly after. Everyone is here except for Phoenix.

I looked at the test and sure enough, two lines. I found out at my last appointment that I was about a month long in this pregnancy. I was thrilled but I was worried about what Aries would say. I had taken a new test ever since I found out to make sure it was true. I am pregnant again. I talked to Julliard and I can return once the baby is born, a leave of absence as they call it. I wasn't sad about it honestly. I wanted to return home. I loved it here, I love his parents and my mom. I just hope Aries won't be upset. I threw away the test covering up any evidence and then headed downstairs.

"OH there is my girl." Arti said facing the stairs. Phoenix came down in a red cocktail dress that hugged her curves nicely. Her red heels with gold chains accented her legs. I went over and took her hand, kissing it. She reached the bottom and kissed my lips. I put her hair behind her ear. We walked over to the family and Christmas tree. "Are we opening gifts now or dinner?' I said while Aries handed me a glass of wine. I waved it away. "I am starving." I said. Aries set the wine down. "Yes let eat." Arti said and we all headed to the table. 

Dinner was excellent and filling. "I am so full." Aries said sitting on the chair, I sat on his lap. He placed his hands on my hips. "You went above and beyond Arti, Jarvis." Rose said taking a seat. "Can I make anyone a drink?' Jarvis asked. Fran walked over to me and handed me Ben, he was getting tired. I took him and started rocking him lightly. He laid his head down. I started to stand and Aries kept me close. I rocked Ben to sleep. He just watched me. My dad took him once he was out and laid him down in the portable playpen they brought over. I giggled. Aries just looked at me. I kissed his cheek. I got up and headed over to the stack of gifts I had for my parents and Fran. I handed them to them and then to Jarvis and Arti. "You kids didn't have to do that." Arti said. "We all chipped in." Dimitri said as I handed Michelle hers. They all opened it. "A joint trip full of spa's, golfing, and whatever else you wild cats want to do." Gabe said. "This is spectacular." Michelle grinned. 

"You all deserve it, A friend getaway." I said. Aries came up behind me wrapping his arms around me, kissing my neck. We passed out all the other gifts. Finally Aries looked at me. "Your gift is in the tree." he said. I turned and looked at the tree. "In it?' I said to him. "Yes go look." I walked up to the tree looking around, I finally found a small box. I grabbed it and opened it up, there was nothing in it. I turned and he was there, on his knee. I gasped. "I was scared from this new emotion that was running through my body, and I hurt you in so many ways. I tried everything I could to keep you. You told me that once I kissed you I would either regret it or fall in love with you. Well you was right, I have fallen completely in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life next to you. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?' I stood there, was this really happening. I wasn't sure if there was butterflies in my stomach or I was just nauseated from the pregnancy.

"Phoenix are you going to answer him." I swallowed. "I have a gift for you to." I finally said, He looked at me with confusion. "I was looking for a yes." He said. "Let me give you my gift first before you ask me that question." I said. Aries stood with worry on his face. I walked over to my bag and handed him a picture. He looked down. It was the sonogram I got when I first found out. His eyes got big. "I am pregnant." I finally said. Arti covered her gasp, tears running down her face. My mom took her hand, both crying. Aries crashed his lips to mine. I held his face, kissing him back. He pulled me closer. "We would love to marry you. " I told him. He slipped the ring on my finger and then went to his knees and kissed my stomach. He stood again kissing me. Everyone cheered. We was surrounded by hugs, tears and cheers. My parents came over to me hugging me tight. "What about school?" "I am taking a break for awhile. I can not upset. I got everything I wanted, as long as he finishes that is all that matters, my career is a little more flexible." I told them. "Are you sure." I took a deep breath. "Absolutely." They hugged me again. 

Aries was showing everyone the baby's first picture. He was so happy. It was going to be rough, but we have been through worst and made it out the better. Dancing will always be there, that I will make sure of. That night, Aries and I made love multiple multiple times. I laid on my back and ran my fingers threw his hair, while he laid near my stomach rubbing and kissing. We have it all.

8 months later, in August after my birthday. Christian Manuel Diamandis was born. He was perfect at 7lbs 8oz. 22 inches tall. Jarvis held him with pride. He already had everything set up for him and his future. Gabe and Kourtney ran off and eloped. Dimitri and Beth are still going strong and he moved down closer to her. Aries decided to transfer to a University here so I can stay with the family and he can finished school. Jarvis was happy about it. My mom kissed my forehead and took great care of me as did Aries. He held his son with pride. Once it was just the three of us in the hospital room I was resting. Aries just looked at his son. "Hey little man, I just want you to know, I will always be here, I won't ever leave you or your mom, you hear me. I pinky promise." He said taking his little pinky with his. He kissed his little head. 

One year later, Aries and I were married. It was a large extravagant wedding at his parents house. Little Christian looked so much like Aries when he was younger. His curly black hair and big blue eyes made my heart melt. Pappy Jarvis could not get enough of him. He hated that soon we would be moving into our home 2 blocks down the road. Jarvis and Arti bought 5 acres of land and we started building. I was working at the studio again, this time as an instructor to all ages. Aries would of had one more year of school but he pushed hard and advanced graduating a year early. He would start working along side his father once we was back from our honeymoon. 

I hung up my stunning wedding dress and changed into a silver and white cocktail dress. I slipped my hair into a long ponytail, and was clasping my heels when Aries came up behind me. He lifted my dress over my ass, pulled my thong to the side and thrusted inside me. I gasped, moaned and bit my lip. "I told you that you would be mine." he grunted. Between moans I said 'Yes, I am yours, all yours, till death do us part." I arched my back. "Even after death." he said thrusting harder. I melted all over him. 

And we lived like this for the rest of our lives. Happy, Healthy, in love, and always on each other. Forever, even in death. 

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