Phoenix and Aries

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"Hey what is that smell?" my mom said setting her bags down. "I made dinner." I told her from kitchen. "It smells great, I am starving." she said coming into the kitchen. I placed the salad on the table. "No Aries tonight?" "No, I don't have to be with him all the time." I told her grabbing the Italian bread. "I know, it just seems like I don't see you as much." "Which is why I am having dinner with my mom only." I told her pouring her some wine, while I got a soda. "I appreciate it." she said taking her seat after washing her hands. I took my seat and started filling our plates. 

"So how are things going with Aries?" "Fine." "Just fine huh." "We are good, staying focused on school and practice." "Well that is good. But I mean." "I know what you mean and No he hasn't done anything to hurt me. We are getting along great and he is really trying his best to make me happy. This is all new for him, I don't want to ruin it and neither does he." I told her putting dressing on my salad. "No, confession of love yet." I looked at her. "You do love him don't you?" I was silent for awhile. "Phoenix?" I set my fork down. "Yes, I do love him, but it is not the right time to tell him that." "When is the right time?" "I don't know, just not right now." "You two have been together long enough that it could happen." "We have been dating for only a few weeks." "Yes but you two have been together longer than that." I guess she is right, it has been over two months since we have started really going somewhere with this. "There is no hurry but it is different with you and him. You two are like magnets, he moves you move." "Is that a bad thing?" "Its an intense thing but like i said you and him are different than other relationships." 

"Why are we different?" "Instant attraction, he seen your potential and you see his." she ate her salad. "Potential?' "Aries is going to be a strong provider, he pushes himself to do better, you do the same thing. No competition between the two of you to see who is better than the other. He doesn't treat you different because our money  is different from his money. He is a good kid." "Do you want to date him mom?' "All I am saying is that yes he had a reputation, but dropped it because he didn't wanna lose you. That takes alot just ask your dad." "Dad?" "He was the same way. Just like Aries except he didn;t have the money but had the drive to make the money. He would sleep around, or we would fight, he wasn't happy, till now. Sometimes it takes longer for some people." "What about you mom?' "I have never been happier, I got you out of the deal." "Is that why you got married." "Yes, we got married because I got pregnant with you." she answered. "We tried very hard to keep a family unit but he wasn't happy and honestly now I can admit it, neither was I. But we promised each other that you would be our first priority, and that has what we have done every since. He like my best friend now." 

"If I would get pregnant right now, would you hate me?" "I could never hate you." "OKay would you be disappointed?" "I don't know, I would like to say no." she admitted. "Are you pregnant?" "NO, god no, I am not." I told her. "Okay." "I was just wondering." "Well I did almost have a stroke but if it did happen we would handle it." "I got my birth control today and we have been extra careful." I told her. "And I need more wine." she smiled grabbing a bottle. I laughed and started eating. 

                                                      -Aries- The next morning-

"Good morning everyone." My father said, joining all of us at the table. "Good morning." we all said. My mother took her seat following him in. "Hello my beautiful sons." she grabbed her coffee. "So what are we getting into today boys?" "I got those reports to tend to and then getting a cater for the event in a few weeks." "Ah, yes we need to get that handled. I am sure Mother can help for some it, right dear." he said grabbing his paper. 'Of course dear, whatever you need." "Gabrielle, Aries make sure your suits are tailored." he added sipping his coffee. "When is this event happening." I asked. "In 3 weeks." Dimitri said. 'This is for the international offices, we are hoping to merge by Christmas. Might spend Christmas in Paris this year." His father said. Paris my mind went to Phoenix. "That is wonderful, we was just talking about Paris in the winter, with Aries and his girlfriend." I closed my eyes. "Girlfriend?" My father put the paper down and looked at me. I kept my eyes down. "Yes, she is a wonderful girl. She is from Paris." she continued. Was my mother helping me dig a grave. 

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