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Starting dancing at the studio was great the first week, I was adjusting well and easily grasping the flow of things. I headed into the gymnasium the following week and started on some routines but I was struggling on a few flips. I fell on my ass. "Damn it!!" I said getting irritated with myself slapping the mat. "Calm down Phoenix, this is a little more than what you was use to, you will get it." My instructor Mary said. I got up and took a deep breath. "Its really annoying, I can't get this move." I told her setting up to try again. "Nobody is perfect kiddo. Just keep pushing." she said. I nodded and started again failing every time. I don't adjust to failing. "Take a break Phoenix, it will help." she said heading over to the other kids. I took a deep breath and grabbed a towel. I stepped outside and sat on the ground against the building grabbing a cigarette. My legs started to throb. I winced when I rubbed them. Grabbing my phone I saw messages from my dad, telling me he misses me and that Fran is very ready to have this baby. He wished me well and told me to not over do it. That I could accomplish anything. That just irritated me even more. I finished my smoke and dropped a few tick tacks and headed inside. 

I pushed myself to the limit of painful legs. It was late, and getting dark when I finally gave up and headed home. Mom got mandated and had to work over night, so I had to walk home in the dark. I sighed putting my hoodie on and started home. My legs were so sore, so I decided to take a short cut and went through the cemetery where I had the run in with Aries. For the last 2 weeks I haven't seen or heard from any of the Diamandis boys. Gabe would see me and wave but he was always going somewhere. Aries on the other hand I haven't seen since the dinner at Kourtney's. I was texting her when I ran into someone, and sure enough it was him. His back was facing me but once I ran into him he turned around. "Well well if it isn't the dancing neighbor." he said setting his bag down on a tombstone. I looked at him akwardly "Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I told him trying to walk around him but he blocked my way. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "You are out late?" He said blowing smoke. "I was at practice." I told him adjusting my bag.  He continued to stare at me. My shorts were very short and my hoodie was covering the majority of them. My hair was in a messy bun, and I problem smell horribly. "Are you going to let me pass or am I going to have to disrespect the graves by walking on them." I asked putting my hands on my hips. He smirked. His smile was melting me. 

"It's a nice night." he said. I looked at him confused. "Sure I guess." I said shrugged looking up at the sky. I sighed. "Am I keeping you from something?" he asked coming closer to me. "Yes, a hot date." I told him. He stopped and his smile disappeared. "You have a date, this late?" "Yes very hot." I told him arching my head to the side, holding my stance. "Mind if I ask who the lucky guy is?" he asked. "A very hot, steamy, shower." I told him." I am a hot mess right now." I continued pulling my hoodie some.  His face lit up and he moved closer again. He was so close to me I could smell his cologne, god he smelled so good. I am sure I don't. He brought his face close to my neck. I stood very still. He took a deep breath, lingered for a few minutes and closed his eyes. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. "You smell really good." he whispered. I turned my face slightly to where we was very close. His green eyes stayed on me for what felt like a lifetime. "You really think you compliments are going to get you anywhere with me?" I whispered back to him. His face lit up and his smile was large. "Who said I want anything to do with you." he whispered back, grabbing my hoodie and pulling me closer to him. I froze.

"The minute your lips touch mine, you will regret it." I told him. He looked at my lips, licking his. "Will I now." "Indeed." I said putting my hands on his chest. I felt him shiver. "Are your lips that powerful?" He asked sliding his hands down my hip and lightly touching my exposed thigh slowly rubbing it with his thumb. It felt so good. "I will not be a notch on your headboard." I told him. "You might change your mind if I kiss you." he said. "You might fall in love if you do." I countered. He chuckled. "Hasn't happened yet." "I am not like other girls Aries." I said pushing him back with my hands and my shoulder pushing passed him and heading home. "That is for sure." he said to himself lighting a cigarette. "You better call one of your  notches to take care of that urge." I said to him, smiling, then turning around and walking as fast as I can to get home. Screw the hot shower I need a cold one. 

By the time I got home, it was almost 10pm. I ran upstairs as fast as I could and headed into my room. I threw my bag on the bed and grabbed stuff for my shower. The water felt great on my hot skin. What the hell was Aries doing? He was rubbing my thigh, which my hand instantly gravitated to. I rubbed the same area he was touching, my breath was getting heavy. He was driving me crazy. He is doing so much to to get into my pants, which won't happen. This is one of the reasons why me and my boyfriend in Paris, broke up because I wouldn't get into bed with him. I am a virgin, yet I have done other things but sex was not one of them. My dancing career is to important to me to have it wasted on a some dick, plus it is a big step. Now though I am having some second thoughts, and that could never be a good thing. Thanks alot Greek Asshole. 

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