Our first date.

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Saturday arrived and I headed to the studio early, I wanted to work on my routine and then get home and study for a test on Monday before our date tonight, since I had a feeling that the party tonight I would be toasted and worthless on Sunday. I ran into the house and straight upstairs when I noticed it was later than I thought. I was so focused on this routine, that I was at the studio for 6 hours. My phone had many messages and there was no way I was going to study. I didn't want to eat since we was probably going to dinner. 

I quickly showered and dried my hair. I straighten it and curled my ends. I headed into my closet scrambling to find something. I grabbed at black mini flare skirt and a black and silver sweater shirt. I grabbed a pair of high leg socks to try to cover some of bruises, plus my tan was slighting fading. I need to go to the tanning bed. I grabbed a black pair of thick heeled shoes, and started my makeup. My mom came in. "Hey you look beautiful," "You sure its not to plain?' "No just enough" she looked me over.  The shirt was low cut and  showed my tone stomach. "Is the skirt to short?' I stood. "I wish I could pull something off like that." "Thank you." I said grabbing my purse and a bag for the pool party tonight. "Have fun, and be careful." "I will I promise." kissing her cheek. "Don't wait up." I told her. "Oh not me, I plan on sleeping and waking up at 5 am for work." "I might just crash at Kourtney's." I told her putting my ring on. "Okay I will see you tomorrow when I get home." she smiled leaving. I looked around looking for something to add to the outfit when I noticed the little blue box. I smiled and walked over grabbing it. I slipped it on and it worked perfectly. Princess indeed. The doorbell rang and I grabbed my things and headed downstairs. "Bye mom, love you." "Love you!" she called from the kitchen. 

I opened the door and there he was. The Greek God. He was dressed in black slacks, with a white dress shirt that was barley buttoned and a black dress jacket. His face lit up when I opened the door. "Hello." I smiled. He brought his hand to my face and gave me a gentle kiss. "Hello." he said softly. "Lets go." I said closing the door behind me. He took my hand and opened the car door for me, taking my bags. I slid in and he came around opening his door. He put my bags in the back of the car and got in. "So where are we going?" "Its a surprise." he said putting his belt on and pulling out of the driveway. "A surprise?" He smirked at me. "You amaze me with your dancing and flips, now I will amaze you with surprises. Which you look amazing by the way." he said shifting gears. "Thank you, you look pretty good yourself." I said crossing my legs. He licked his lips and set his hand on my thigh. 

"How are classes going?" I asked him. "A lot of studying, and alot more practices after school. Coach wants a win for my last year." "You will make sure that happens." "You have a lot of faith in me." He shifted gears and placed his hand back on my thigh. "I was thinking about doing something crazy, wanted to get you opinion." "Okay, what is it." "I think I might get a tattoo." "Tattoo?" I started picturing a tattoo on him. "Where?' I asked. "MY arm, and stomach." he looked at me. I licked my lips with the image. "You like tattoo's then." he noticed. "I wouldn't complain. If you get one I will get one." I told him. "Challenge accepted." he said parking the car at the family office building. "What are we doing here?' I asked. "No questions." he said getting our of the car and heading to my side. I grabbed my purse and got out when he stretched his hands out to me. We headed into the elevator, he pressed the very last button. The roof. "How many other girls have you brought here." "Just you." he said getting out when we reached the top. He walked up the ramp with his hands in his pockets. The view was breath taking. "VIP treatment." He stood by a blanket and candles. He crouched down with lighting them. "So what is the plan?" "Plan?' he said standing there looking gorgeous. "Dinner." "Then what." "Whatever you want as long as we get back in time for the party." he said walking closer to me. 

He took my bag and set it down. I watched him. I couldn't take his eyes off of him. He brought his fingers to my neck and pulled on the chain of the necklace. He noticed. He brought me closer to him. I moved my head closer to him getting ready to kiss him, they lightly touched when he pulled back. I looked at him puzzled. He pulled me over to the picnic and sat down. The food looked incredible. We ate, talked and laughed. He told me stories about him when he was younger. When Gabe was born and how much Gabe is like him. "He is so obsessed with Kourtney." he said taking a grape. "She really likes him to, but I guess the age difference is an issue for her." "About you?" "We don;t have much of an age gap." "NO, just a year but I was just wondering." I grabbed a strawberry and brought it to my lips. He came closer to me. I watched him. He licked his lips, bringing his face close to mine. "Are we going to make this work?' I asked him. "I will try." he whispered against my lips pulling back slightly, he opened my legs to come closer to him. "You are doing a great job, this food was great, I was starving." I told him. 

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