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Her back was to me. Kourtney and Beth was in there own little world. I wrapped my arm around her waist my other hand holding a beer. She froze and turned around facing me. Her eyes got wide, she smiled and turned around again moving slowly, pushing up against me. I moved with her. My face went into her neck. My hand on her stomach. Her hips swaying, mine following. We danced like this before at the party at my house. It was a repeat of that. 

My face went into her neck, her hands went behind her and then around my neck. I closed my eyes enjoying it while I can't. My lips moved up to her ear. "I will make you mine again." I whispered to her. She twisted in my arms. I took a drink of my beer. She looked in my eyes. "You sound very confident." she said with a smile. "Very confident." I said. She wrapped her arms around my neck. My hand travel from the side of her to her ass, just placing my hand there.  Kourtney and Beth noticed Aries and Phoenix and started laughing and backed away.

She began to move again. Aries started to follow her movement. "Are you only going to hold me with one arm all night?' she said, swaying her hips. Aries brought the bottle to his lips and finished it off. He tapped the guy next to him and handed him the beer. Aries brought his now free hand and wrapped it around Phoenix waist, setting his hand on her ass. She chuckled. "Are you following me Aries?" "Now why would I do that?" "I am sure you have your reasons." He smirked. "Because I am in love with someone I can't have." he answered. Her body stopped and she looked at him. "I am totally in love with you, not just for your body. That is your fault by the way. But I am in love with you, I have been since I first say you." he told her. "Such nice words and then I get blamed." "If you didn't work so hard, and keep up with this body, maybe I wouldn't of been this interested. Sex is just a bonus." he said coming closer. She leaned back, pushing herself away. "Are you telling me things that you think I want to hear so you can win me back or is this the truth.?" she asked. "Have I ever lied to you?" "I have to go." she said pulling away. "Phoenix?" he said.

Phoenix went upstairs to where her seat was. She sat down making sure she wasn't seen from the dance floor. She grabbed her drink and took a sip. She lit a cigarette and ran her fingers through her hair, crossing her legs and taking a deep breath. Kourtney and Beth came over and joining her. "How you doing?' Kourtney said with a grin. "Did you guys plan this or something?' Kourtney lost her smile. "God, no. Honestly they just showed up. " "Did Gabe tell Aries?" Her face dropped. "Oh no, I guess he did, I didn't think about that." she bit her lip. "I am so sorry." she said coming closer hugging her. "I know, I am sorry I blamed you." "What did he say to you?" "He was going to make me his again and some other personal stuff." "Do you want to leave?' "We can if you want, we can continue this at your house if you want." Kourtney said. "Well I have to go, I have to work in the morning, but I swear we will get together soon. I will also be at the ball with my family." "Thanks for coming." we hugged and she left. I sat back down. "What do you want to do?' "I can't keep avoiding him." I told her. "Shall we dance then." "I need more to drink first." I told her waving over to the waitress. "Totally agree." Kourtney clapped. "I look to good in this outfit for it to go to waste." I continued sitting back crossing my legs. 

Drink after drink. It was none stop. Dimitri gave us a fruit tray, and we nibbled on that. It helped.  The bar was full and the night  was late, but we didn't care. Gabe, Aries and Drake was still here. He kept his distance though and I appreciated that. I was so tipsy. Kourtney and I talked about everything and anything. She told me that she is in love with Gabe and even told him, even though it was while they were having sex, she feels it counts. She was worried about her off to college and him being there by himself. I gave her the best advice I could, not sure how it will work out for me with Aries, even though we aren't together him and I have never talked about it.

"Look, all this talk is making me nuts, I want to see Gabe, will you hate me?' "No, babe I know you miss him, go on." I told her. She kissed her cheek and headed downstairs to him. I sat there and enjoyed my drink. I looked around and from what I could see, it wasn't what I wanted to see. "I'm right here." Aries said. Phoenix gasped and put her hand to her chest. She looked at him standing there in black slacks, a green and black silk shirt with some silver in it, with tennis shoes. He looked so good, just like a Greek God. "Didn't mean to scare you." "Can I help you?" I said setting back after my shock. "Oh I wish you could." he said. "Try me." I said. He waved over the girl. "Bring me a bottle of vodka." he told her. I just watched him taking a seat across from me, yet close enough to where I could hear him. The girl brought the bottle on ice. "Would you like to play a game?" he challenged. "What game?" "Truth or Dare?" "You don't need a bottle of booze for Truth or Dare." "You drink if you refuse the Dare." "Oh new rules. Alright Greek God, start." He smirked. "Truth or Dare?" "Dare" I replied. "Give me a lap dance." he said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bottle. "Truth or Dare?" I asked him after taking my drink. "Truth." he answered. "Are you really in love with me?" "Yes I am." He asked me again, and I answered with the truth. "Do you forgive me for my mistakes?" It took me a minute to answer. "Yes." I answered. 

The game continued, many questions of been answered and most of the bottle was empty denying some of the dares. Dimitri came up to Aries and told us it was last call. I stood and almost fell, I was so drunk. Aries grabbed me up and helped me stand, it was mostly me who drank the bottle. "Come on I will take you home." he said grabbing my things and then heading to the town car, with a driver. Kourtney, Gabe, Drake and some girl and us all got in. Aries held me on his lap. I curled up in his neck, I was so tired. "I don't want to go home, I want another drink." I said. "I will get you another drink." "I don't want to go home alone. Will you stay with me?' she asked. "I will take you to my house." Aries said. She didn't say anything, she was falling asleep. 

Once they got back to Aries and Gabe's house. Drake and his new friend took one of the many spare rooms and Gabe and Kourtney went to his. Aries carried Phoenix to his room. He laid her down and started taking her shoes off. "I missed this bed." she said hugging a pillow. She sat up and ripped her hair out laying back down. I started taking my clothes off, slipping into long pants, leaving my shirt off. Even though she is completely drunk, she looks like she is suppose to be here. I set her stuff down next to her, and then headed into the bathroom. When I came out Phoenix  was sitting on the side of the bed. Her hair dropped down around her. I walked over to her. "Hey what is wrong?' "I need out of these clothes and I have a horrible taste in my mouth." I went over and grabbed her a long T-shirt. I handed it to her. I helped her up and into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. She came out 10 minutes later.

"I don't like vodka anymore." Aries took her hand and helped her back to the bed. She looked so good in my shirt. She sat there just holding her head. "Hey get some sleep." Aries told her. "I am not tired." "Okay just lay down then." She wouldn't move. "You are so stubborn." Aries said sitting at the computer desk. She looked up at him moving her hair out of her face. "I am stubborn? You should look in the mirror." She said grabbing her bag. "You can't leave." he told her. She looked at him again holding a cigarette. "Open a window." she lit the cigarette. He did as he was told. She got up stumbling a little but caughting herself and went to the window. She sat down next to it blowing the smoke outside. All he could do was stare at her, watch her as she sat there flicking cigarette ashes out the window. It was chilly out but the cool air felt good. 

"My life was so much easier before you." she finally said turning and facing him. "Why is that?" "I only had one thing on my mind, and then here comes Aries Diamandis, taking over my world." "Is that right." She blew smoke out. "Yes, that is right. All I had was Julliard, that was what I was worried about." "And then here comes the wrecking ball." Aries said standing up. She walked over to her bag again and bent down. He groaned slightly. She stood up and looked at him. He cleared his throat.  

"I am sorry I wrecked your world." "You know the world doesn't revolve around you Aries." "Maybe not the world but you do." He said. She placed her hands on her hip, the T-shirt slid up slightly. "Did I ruin your world?" "No, you didn't you made it better." Aries said placing his hands in his pockets. "Did you mean what you said to me tonight. That you would make me yours again?" "Have I ever lied to you?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." "I have never lied to you." She walked up to him. Standing in front of him only a few inches away. "You might not have lied but you did hurt me, many times. How do I know you won't do it again." "You just have to trust me." "Trust you." she smiled looking at his chest and abs. She brought her fingers to his tattoo gently touching it. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. 

"What are you doing?" he said opening them again. She said nothing and continued to trace the dragon tattoo. His breathing got heavier. She moved closer to him. "Aries?' she whispered. He looked down to her, she continued to touch his stomach. "Can I ask you a question?" He nodded. "Can I kiss you?" she looked up at him. "I don't think that would be a good idea." "Why not?' she said starting to trace his other tattoo on his arm. "You might regret it tomorrow." "It is tomorrow." she countered with a playful smirk on her face. She pushed him back until he sat in the chair again. She straddled him and started moving her hips. He groaned and quickly put his hands on her hips. "I can only handle so much Phoenix." he warned her, groaning again when she moved her hips against him. She ran her fingers up his neck and started kissing the other side of neck. "Let's test that theory." she whispered then licked his ear. He gripped her hips to where she winced from the pressure. She rocked her hips and again, and he pushed her back. She looked at him, licking her lips. "Your going to fucking regret this." He smashed his lips to hers. They both moaned from the pure pleasure of it. He lifted her shirt throwing to the ground and quickly taking her lips again. He missed her lips and wanted to enjoy every single minute of her. He stood lifting her with him. Their bare chests against each other. She wrapped her legs around him, he walked and put her back to the wall. He went for neck and throat, to the top of her chest. She arched her back, moaning in pure delight.

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