Two Years Later.

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"Are you all unpacked?" I asked Aries as I came out of his bathroom. "Ya, I can't believe you wanted to stay here instead of your house?" he said sitting on his bed. "We stayed at my mom's for Thanksgiving and my dad and Fran should be getting here soon, they can have my room while I sleep here with my wonderful, handsome, yummy man." I said crawling on top of him. 'Was the airplane not enough?" "Its never enough." I told him kissing him deeply. He ran his hands down to my ass gripping tightly. I moaned. 

A knock on the door stopped us. "Aries your parents are home." Laurie said. We both groaned and gathered ourselves and headed downstairs. "Aries, Phoenix, welcome home." Arti said hugging me and then Aries. I hugged Jarvis and then Aries did. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "How is NYU?" his father asked. "It is going great." "He is killing it with his classes, straight A's all the way." I told them. "That is fantastic." Jarvis said smiling. "And Julliard?' he continued with me. "I can't complain, we hardly see each other because we are so focused and it is nice to finally get away and relax." I told them. We took our seats and was handed wine. I got up and headed to Aries sitting on his lap. He happily accepted. 

"I hear Dimitri opened another club, about 2 hours from here?" "He did, it went great." "I wish I could of made it home." "He understands. He will be home with us, should be coming shortly." Arti said. "When will your father be arriving?' "My mom is meeting them at the airport now." I told him. Our flight was coming in at different times so, we had taxi takes us to Aries, since my father's was coming late. "What about Kourtney and Gabe?" Arti asked. "I think they are still at Kourtney's house. Her mom still is fighting with her to stay home and not here." I said rubbing Aries neck. "I love how you are all together in New York." Arti smiled heading to the bar. "We was worried with Gabe starting school, but not when he said he was going to you Aries, he is doing great." "Ya but we might have to find another place, it is getting smaller by the minute." Aries said sitting back in the chair. I started getting up but Aries held me still. I smirked at him and then slowly got up. I love that man so much. 

After my performance two years ago, we was never apart. We did fight because he wanted to follow me and go to NYU instead of where his father wanted him to go but he said that NYU was just as good, and we would make it work regardless of where we was in our relationship. His father gave his blessing and honestly it has been a blessing ever since. The dorms never worked out so we got an apartment and moved in together in between both schools. Then when Kourtney followed 5 months later we moved again. Now Gabe joined us, and it is getting crowded. 

"I don't want to move again." I said lighting a cigarette, standing at the bar with the patio doors open. "Why not find something more permanent there?" Arti said. "We figured Aries would be at the office here." "You want to stay back here?" "Regardless of my residents I will still travel for performances." "Aries did you want to stay close to here?" Jarvis said. "I would because of family, but we will have to talk more about it later. I got two more years and she has how ever long." "Two years babe." I told him. "That is what you say, I didn't know if you was going any further?" "Like he was saying we haven't really talked about it." I said pulling my vibrating phone out. "My parents are home. Excuse me." I said heading over to my mom's house. "I will be there shortly." Aries called. "What is going on son?" Jarvis asked. Aries pulled out a box from his pocket. He showed his parents. "OH my god, its stunning." Arti said with tears. It was a 3 carat emerald cut diamond ring with small diamonds on the side. It was breathtaking.

"When are you planning on asking?" "After Christmas dinner, while everyone is opening gifts. Mom could you hold it till its time, It has been hard hiding it." I handed it to her. "Of course." she took it. Jarvis shock his son's hand. "Proud of you son." "Thank you." I shock it back and then excused myself and headed to Rose's house. Arti smiled at Jarvis. "Finally." he said sipping his wine. 

My father was settled and we spent most of the day with them. Once they started to get tired we headed back to Aries. My mom went to work so she could be off for Christmas the next day. We headed up to Aries room. I went through my clothes and found something for dinner tonight. Aries came out from the shower in just a towel, I still blush when I see him like that. "Feels good to be home." I said sitting on the bed. "Ya it does. I love New York, but I love it here." he said. "So should we start putting money back for a home here or are we moving in here at this house." "You want to come back here and live." "You followed me, I will follow you. I would love to come back here, I hate winters." I said. He came over to me and kissed me. I pulled him on top of me, removing his towel. "I love you." I said kissing his lips. He pulled my jeans off quickly and didn't even wait for my jeans to be on the floor before he thrusted inside me. I moaned loudly. We can never get enough. 

I got out of the shower and started doing my hair. I grabbed a pair of long black dress pants that felt good against my legs and a hunter green top that hugged me tight. I pulled my hair back slightly and then started fixing my breasts. Aries watched me. "What?" I asked putting my princess necklace on. "Who would of thought we would of lasted so long." he said as I sprayed my perfume. "Are you saying you had your doubts?" "I did two years ago." I told her. "I didn't think I would of gotten you back." "Well you did and unless you are planning on breaking my heart again I see us lasting forever." I said kissing him and grabbing my heels. "You seem to get comfortable with the dressing up and dealing with the rich social lights." "This is who your family is, and your father wasn't letting me pay rent. Told me to focus on school." "You know what I mean." I tied the strap on my heels and stood. "Should I be worried about whatever it is your talking about?" He shock his head and grabbed his red sweater putting it on. I opened the window and lit a cigarette. He went over and put his gold chain on. I put my cigarette out and sucked on a tik tak and we headed downstairs. 

Merry Christmas: "Merry Christmas." I whispered into my beautiful girlfriends ear. She was laid out on her stomach bare chested, the sheet barley covering her ass. I grabbed her ass and squeezed. She groaned and pushed her hair out of her face. "What?" she groaned again. "Its time to wake up, we are suppose to be over at your mom's soon. "This bed is to comfortable. We need one for our place." "I will call them tomorrow." I said checking my emails. She twisted her body baring her chest. I looked at her breasts and then her eyes. "I am not ready to go back to NYU." she said. I couldn't resist, I took one of her breasts into my mouth. She squirmed and rested her hand on my face. 

After pushing me away she headed into the bathroom. I headed downstairs after grabbing a shirt and went down to the kitchen. "Good morning." I said to my parents and Dimitri. "Good morning, Merry Christmas." My mom said kissing my cheeks. "Where is Phoenix?" "She is getting ready, I am just grabbing coffee and then we are heading over to her mom's to watch her little brother open gifts." I said pouring two cups. "Are you nervous about tonight son?" Jarvis asked. "A little." "Its not like she is going to say no. I mean you guys can't keep your hands off each other." Dimitri chuckled sipping his coffee. "That's not why I am asking her dickhead." I said to him. "Give it a rest, it is Christmas after all." "Honestly can't wait, It will be great having her officially apart of the family." Dimitri said truthfully. "Thanks I appreciate that." I headed upstairs with the two cups. She was sitting on the bed, her hair wet and dangling off of her, wet and dripping down her arm. She was rubbing lotion on, my dick was so hard. She hasn't changed in the 2 years we have been together. If anything she got alot more tone and defined. I continued to work out as much as I could, but her she is all natural hard work. I set the mugs down and went to her dropping my pants. I pulled her hair making her face me. She looked down and noticed my arousal. She smiled and took me in her mouth. I groaned and kicked my hips. "OH fuck!" I said grinding my teeth. She moved faster, stroking harder. I didn't last long. 

"Merry Christmas." she said getting up and heading back to the bathroom. I sat down winded pulling up my pants. She came back out with her hair braided, jeans and casual top. "You ready or do you need another minute." she said sipping her coffee. I grinned and grabbed jeans and changed quickly. Then headed over to her mom's house. Kourtney and Gabe joined us. "So are still going to your house around 5?' Rose asked. "Yes, my mom wants to go all out for this holiday." Aries said sipping his soda watching Phoenix play with her little brother. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was a natural. We still get sad on that day, but know it will happen again this time the right way. Her smile was angelic. I was such an idiot back then, I was young and stupid. She was right though, the minute our lips met I fell in love with her. I was scared of that emotion, I had never experienced it, not until her. Tonight I will make it official.

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