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It was cold... That was what it was like this time of the year... I hated be in this place around this time of the year, as it was always just so... Well... I was not sure what it was so...
I just wanted my family, and I just wanted my kids back... That was what it was that I was planning on doing today of course. That sick fuck! I hated him, and I hated what he was doing to my wife and kids.
I had come here, thinking that this would be somewhere safe. That was what it was that they had made it out to be. I felt like it was normal for them to look at my wife the way that they were, as I was sure that it was hard to come around women.
Well yes... It really was hard to meet women, as less than 10% of the population of the people at this prison were in fact women. That was of course the first thing that I should have noticed of course.
Not the fact that there were not very many women of course. I should have noticed instead as to the fact that this was a prison. I should have known not to come closer.
Though would it have mattered? Now that I think about it, it was going to be either me getting killed and them taking me family in anyways. Or it was me to accept that this was where I was going to have to live.
Oh well I suppose... That was all that I felt like I could really say at this point any ways... Why was I here again? I was not all too sure what the point was, as I should have fought back.
This is a prison, could I not just start a riot of some thing? No... This was not just some normal prison. People lived here...
Though most of the people felt like they were in fact bad people. I also knew that I had met a few good people. Which of course brought me back to just what it was that I had in fact been thinking on long before now.
My wife, and my kids of course. I had met a person that had promised me that they would help me escape this place with my wife and kids. I had to keep it quiet, as I had to keep it a secret... I had lived in here for almost 6 months.
He was right though, he had told me to not trust any one in here. Not even him self, even though either way it was, I already did trust him. He had told me the plan, and he had told me the time to do it.
That was what it was that I was waiting in right now. It was in fact breakfast time right now of course, as every one was in fact in the cafeteria right now, never the less. I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could, all at once.
All every one had their focus on right now was the new group that it was that they had attacked the other day. No one had their focus on me... Why would they have their focus on me? None of that really mattered... I just needed to get out of here, and I needed to keep a low profile of it.
I was sure that the lady was right... No one would care... No one would notice as to a single thing as to just what would happen so long as it was that I kept a low profile. I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could, all at once, all at the exact same time too.
Now was the day... Now was the day where it was that I of course took care of the kids... That was my job today of course... I was working with the lady and 2 others that I did not really know all too well...
I knew that like she had promised... She would keep them distracted as a left the room with the kids that had to go on a potty break... The kids of course did not have a clue as to just what it was that I was doing.
That did not matter, they would soon find out as soon as it was that I did in fact free my self. After that all was over, and I got the kids out of the room. Then I had to go and get my wife, who it was that the lady had told me that she had already let the my wife know that she was to meet me at a specific place, as she had free time in a specific area for a few hours a day in the prison.
Once it was that I was to meet her there, then I was to go out side, where it was that the lady had told me that she had a few friends that were going to be working shifts on today, that would let me through and not say a word about it at all. We had been planning this for a few months now... This was finally the day it was going to happen.
I cracked a little bit of a smile on my face, all at once. It kind of felt a little bit good to smile, if I was not going to lie to my self either. It felt like I did not really get to smile all that much any more, either.
I then began to start to take the trey of left over food to the trash can. I poured it all out, and then went over to the sink. Still holding the same smile on my face of course as I did as such a thing like that, at that. This was going to be a good day... I could already feel it...

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