𝟐. 𝐒𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞

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- Time Skip, One Month Later -

Today, Miles is coming to Massachusetts to stay with me for three months. I'm excited to see my little brother again, and I'm also excited to tell him how proud I am. He's going to be in a movie, an amazing movie to be exact! He's been in a few 'small' things, and this is going to be his first 'real big' thing. He's so happy about it, I can't wait to hear him talk about it.

Miles has always wanted to be an actor, and he did get a few roles. I've always been proud of him, but he was never that proud of himself. I really hope that he is now, because a big movie like this is fucking awesome. I put on my jacket and my shoes, grab my things and check my phone once before leaving the house to pick Miles up from the airport.


Instagram story of @ameliarose

Instagram story of @ameliarose

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I drive towards the airport, and get inside. After only a few minutes if waiting, I see Miles coming my way. "Amsy!" he happily cheers, dropping his bags before lifting me up in a big hug. He's my little brother, but he's taller than me. Way taller actually, I'm pretty short. "Hey sweetie!" I giggle, hugging him back as he slowly let's go of me again. "I missed you so much!" he chuckles, making me laugh with him.

"I missed you too! How was the flight?" I ask, helping him carry his bags as we start walking. "It was fine, not too long. I'm pretty hungry though..." he sighs, making me laugh again. "Yeah yeah, I already thought you'd say that. Don't worry, I made apple pie this morning" I giggle, so he laughs with me and we make our way to the parking lot.

"Are you excited to start?" I ask after getting his bags in the car, and getting in ourselves. "Oh yeah, definitely! A little nervous, but still excited. There's a lot of great actors and actresses there, so it's... I don't know, pretty much a big deal or something, you know?" he asks in reply, and I nod my head while I start driving.

"Ofcourse, I get that. But you're gonna fucking kill it, Miles. You're amazing, and you're such a great actor! You should try to be a little more proud of yourself, I know it's hard, but remember that everything I say to you is true. You're amazing at what you do" I tell, and he looks at me.

"Thanks Am, I appreciate that. But uh, I should tell you the same thing. You should be proud of yourself too, look at how amazing the shops are! You're a boss ass bitch, honestly" he adds, and we both laugh. Once we get to my place, Miles takes a picture and posts it on his Instagram story. He loves my house, he tells me at least 5 times a day.


Instagram story of @milespierce

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