𝟒𝟔. 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

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- Time Skip, Three Months Later -

The past three months have been in one word; heavenly. The day after Chris and I had our little talk, I woke up to the smell of fresh baked pancakes and scented candles. I got out of bed, followed a path of rose petals and made my way to the living room. There he was, standing in front of me with a big bouquet of beautiful flowers in his hands.

He jokingly got down on one knee, and asked me to officially be his girl. I obviously said yes, so yeah, we had sex through the whole house after that. He said that he wanted to officially ask me when we were on a date, but he woke up that morning, looked at me and knew that he didn't have any time to waste. It was adorable, I cried my eyes out because of it.

We went out on a cute date that night anyway, and ever since then, we've been doing on dates at least once a week. Chris says that it's important to do that, to stay close and romantic or something. It's really nice, it was a great decision! We've officially been together for three months now, but we've known each other for a year.

Chris hates the fact that it's only been three official months, because he feels like we've been together for almost a year. It's true, I mean if we look back, it actually has been about a year, but it was never official. Every time Chris brings it up, he tells me that it sucks because he has to wait longer to propose to me now that it's only been three months. He wants us to set the date to April 22nd, because that's when we first kiss and that way, we can 'get married sooner'.

I still didn't tell my family about the fact that Chris and I are in a relationship now, I didn't even tell them about the kisses and stuff. Actually, I haven't been talking about him at all. Every time I went to see my family or when I called them up, we mostly talked about how things are in Ohio, with Miles and with the bakery.

I'm pretty nervous about telling my family about us, because it's been a really long time since I dated someone. I'm planning on telling them at the Knives Out premiere in Los Angeles tonight, they're all gonna be there for Miles so it would be convenient. Chris, Miles and I got to Los Angeles about an hour ago, and we're at the hotel now.

Chris and I are sharing a room, but Miles is hanging out with us until our family gets here. Miles knows about me and Chris being in a relationship now, he had to know because he was with us the whole time for Defending Jacob. They finished that project yesterday, so after this premiere, Miles is going back to Ohio instead of Massachusetts.

Chris' family is already here, we had some lunch with them and hung out a little until they had to go get ready. Miles officially met Scott now, and let's just say that those two are a great team. They talked about Chris and me the whole time, and planned like a hundred pranks on us. They scared Chris and me about 5 times already by hidungg behind a wall or a door, but oh well, we could've expected that to happen when they met.

"Oh, the car is here" Miles suddenly says, looking out the hotel window. Chris, Miles and the rest of the cast are getting picked up before the other guests, so they have to go now. "Alright, let's go then. I'll see you in a few, baby" Chris says, giving me a kiss on my lips for the first time with Miles around.

"Have fun out there, boys" I giggle, while Miles just looks at us with love in his eyes. "Thanks Amsy, see you later" he chuckles, walking out the door. "Keep an eye on him till I get there, okay?" I ask, taking Chris' hand before he walks out as well. "Ofcourse baby, I love you" he replies, so I give him a smile and softly kiss his lips a few times until he really has to go.

I take a deep breath, wave at Chris and Miles one more time and make my way to the room I'm supposed to wait for my family in. Only a few minutes later, they all get here. I greet them with a lot of love, and ask them about Ohio. It's nice to see them again, it's been a while!

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