𝟒𝟐. 𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲 *

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My ex boyfriend was one of those men who let me do all the work. The times that it didn't go straight to sex, were the times that he commanded me to blow him. I did it, because I was afraid to say no to him back then. Chris lets go of my nipple with a little pop sound, and leaves wet kisses all the way down to my belly button.

I start breathing heavier, faster. His hands make their way to my tighs as he spreads them out. I don't know what's happening, but I'm fully enjoying it. He kisses down my tighs, getting closer and closer to my clothed core. His fingers make their way to my bottoms, which are still on me. He looks up, into my eyes for approval as I nod my head. He softly smiles at me, and takes it off, seeing my core all wet and ready for him to enter again.

He silently growls at the sight, and throws them away. Suddenly, he moves his head closer to my core. What is he doing? What's happening? But before I can think again, I feel his tongue entering my folds. I gasp at the sudden movement, and grab his hair.

He starts softly licking my folds but then, he sucks on my clit. I gasp again, and throw one of my legs over his shoulder without thinking. I moan again, a little louder than before. He keeps sucking on my clit and licking my folds, getting me really close to my climax already.

He keeps doing that for what feels like hours, until he suddenly inserts one finger into my entrance. I moan again, still trying to control myself, but it's getting harder and harder to keep quiet. Before I know it, he pushes another finger in. "Oh God..." I whisper underneath my breath, rolling my eyes back.

He starts to move his fingers in and out of me, in a perfect pace, still sucking on my clit. I don't want to orgasm yet, I really want to cum when he's inside of me himself. "Chris... I-I'm really c-close..." I stutter, still underneath my breath. He doesn't respond, and starts picking up a faster pace. "I-I can't h-hold it any l-longer" I add, a little louder this time.

"It's okay baby, let it go" he replies. The vibrations of his voice against my clit send me over the edge, as I cum all over his fingers. I moan louder this time, not able to hold myself back as I let go of his hair, grabbing the sheets and slightly arching my back as I throw my head back.

I know women can orgasm multiple times in a row, but I never experienced that. Sometimes, I didn't even orgasm at all, I mostly just faked it. With Chris, I didn't fake it at all. He's really this fucking good. He gets back on top of me, and kisses my lips after helping me riding it out.

"You okay?" he asks, breaking the kiss. I nod my head, and softly smile at him as I grab his waistband, trying to get him out of his trunks. "Words, baby" he adds, looking a little concerned. "I'm okay, I'm okay bub" I reply underneath my breath, giving him a smile and a quick kiss which makes him smile as well.

"Are you sure about this?" he asks again. "Yes, honey. Just take your swimming trunks off, please" I giggle, placing my hands on his cheeks. He softly smiles at me, gives me a cute little kiss and nods his head. I take his swimming trunks off as we kiss, and feel his hard member against my tigh. He lines up, but stops it again. "Is something wrong? Wait, it's okay if you don't want to do this-" I say, but he interrupts me.

"Oh no! I really do, it's just... I didn't bring any protection with me at all for siem fucking reason, so I don't know if you're okay with this again or-" he nervously replies, but I interrupt him. "It's okay, I'm on birth control honey. I promise, it's okay like this" I tell, and he lets out a relieved smile. He looks happy and relieved overall, and smiles at me before he kisses me passionately again.

He lines up to my entrance, and slowly pushes himself inside of me after looking at me for approval. I gasp at the movement yet again, he's so fucking big... I squeeze my eyes for a second, and tug my nails into his back.

Chris let's me adjust to his size for a while, and starts slowly moving when I nod my head. The both of us moan, kiss and take deep breaths as he keeps moving in and out of me in a perfect pace. Not too slow and not too fast, but very passionate and very gentle. He intertwines his hand with mine as he thrusts into me, it's really really sweet and romantic.

My nails scratch on his back as I get closer and closer to my orgasm within every single thrust. We move perfectly together, kiss and enjoy the whole time.  "D-do you, fuck, do you want me to-" he silently asks, somewhere in between a whisper and a growl, but I interrupt him. "No, it's okay with me" I add, holding him tight which makes him smile. I ask him if he's okay with it too, so he tells me that he is as long as I am because, and I quote, I come first. He's really, really sweet during sex.

The combination of Chris thrusting into me and kissing my neck for a while as he keeps holding my hand, sends me over the edge again. My second orgasm in the bed but third one today, this never happened before.

I moan out loud again, placing one of my hands in his hair again while the other one scratches over his back. I feel Chris's cum filling me up at the exact same time. He growls, and God, it's hot. We ride out our high, and give each other little kisses. Afterwards, he gets off of me and lays down next to me. We both catch our breath for a second, I still can't believe I came two times in a row!

"Did I hurt you?" Chris asks as he looks at me after being the cutest person ever, by cleaning the both of us up and making sure I was okay and comfortable. "A little, but-" I reply, but he interrupts me. "Oh! I'm so sorry, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you, you should've told me" he tells, looking like a very concerned puppy again.

"It was good pain, bubba. I just had to adjust to your... Size, again" I reply, turning to my side to face him. "Alright, you scared me" he chuckles, making me laugh with him. He felt bad after I told him that I never came two times in a row before, and kept giving me kisses all over my whole face.

After a few minutes of talking, laughing and kissing each other, we go to the bathroom and fill up a bath. Chris gets in first, and I sit down in front of him, leaning against him. "This is nice" I sigh, laying my head back on his shoulder. "Yeah, it's really nice. I can get used to this, you know. I have a bath at home, you have a bath at home..." he jokingly adds, making me laugh.

"Me too!" I giggle, fully enjoying the moment. "I'm glad you're having a good time, baby" Chris says, followed by a quick kiss on my shoulder. "I'm glad you're having a good time too" I silently reply, while he kisses my neck very softly. "I definitely am" he adds, kissing my neck a little hungrier now. I tilt my head back to give him more access, and he takes advantage of it.

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