𝟑𝟖. 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞

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- Time Skip, Two Months Later -

It's been a little more than two months since I gave Chris a key to my home, and it's also been that long since he gave me a key to his home. It turns out that he made me a copy before I even gave him a key to my house, he was just 'growing the balls' to give them to me. Chris is just pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to me, and we're still doing great.

Today, he's leaving Massachusetts to go to Los Angeles for a day. He has to be there for the premiere of his new movie, Avengers: Endgame. It's gonna be at the Los Angeles Convention Center, and he's pretty nervous about this thing. There's going to be a lot of people there, and it's also his last Marvel premiere.

He's at my place right now, like he is whenever I'm not at his place. He actually had to leave like 10 minutes ago, but he's still laying on top of me with his head resting on my boobs, not looking like he's gonna leave anytime soon. The premiere is tomorrow, but he has to get there tonight.

"Bubba, you really have to go..." I silently say, slowly running my hand through his hair and occasionally kissing the top is his head. "I know" he sighs, holding me even closer now. He's sad about me not being able to walk the carpet with him because of all the comments we'd get, and he's sad about me not being able to be there at all. There's one thing he doesn't know; I have a ticket to the premiere tomorrow, and I'm taking the flight at 3am.

It's a surprise for him, I just couldn't help myself when the tickets went on sale. I'm not gonna show my face outside, at the carpet so he worn see me yet. He'll see me when he's on stage, and when I'm in the crowd. I think he'd appreciate me being here after all, I even told Lizzie that I'm gonna be there.

She made sure that I'd have a backstage VIP pass, and it came in yesterday. Lizzie was really excited and happy about me telling her this, and she's not gonna say anything to Chris. "I don't want you to miss your flight, Chrissy. Come on, I'll walk you out" I add, pushing him off of me a little to make him stand up.

He whines and pouts about it for a while, until we finally get outside. "Have fun, it's gonna be okay. You're just gonna go there, have a good time with the cast and come back home the day after tomorrow. You guys are still gonna be friends after this, you don't have to worry about that at all" I tell, wrapping my arms around his neck while he wraps his around my waist and let's out a silent sigh.

"I know that, I do. But uh... Yeah, those things combined with not being able to take you there, sucks"  Chris replies, so I nod my head to let him know that I understand, and kiss his cheek and his nose before giving him a big, loving hug. We say goodbye with a lot more kisses, and I wave at him as he drives off.

I quickly get back inside as soon as he's around the corner, and start packing my overnight bag for tomorrow before dropping Stevie off at Sarah's place. I spend the rest of the afternoon and night watching some TV and texting Chris when he's in LA, until it's 8pm. I make my way upstairs after telling Chris that I was going out for dinner with friends, and get some sleep for now. My alarm rings again at 1.30am, so I get out of bed, take a shower and get dressed.

I take my overnight bag with me along with all of my important stuff which included the backstage VIP pass, and drive to the airport. I arrive in Los Angeles about 4 and a half hours later, make my way to the hotel I'm staying in and take a nap until I have to start getting ready.

I put on a cute outfit and make my way to the Los Angeles Convention Center, right after everyone got inside. I missed the carpet moment on purpose ofcourse, so I make my way inside when everyone is there already, and sit down on my seat.

The Marvel cast gets on stage not long after that, and I have to contain myself. I'm so, so proud of my man right now, I just want to scream and jump on that stage to hug and kiss him. I keep looking at him the whole time with teared up eyes, until he suddenly looks my way.

It's like that poor guy stops breathing for a second, looking away a few times and looking back again to see if it's really me. I give him a big smile and a quick wink, which making him smile bright. He even bites his lower lip to not smile too bright, but lucky for him, Robert Downey Jr just said something funny.



Chris' POV

No way. There's no, fucking, way. She's actually here, my girl. My girl is here, she flew to Los Angeles for me, for me! She's here, in the crowd at the Avengers: Endgame premiere. I have no idea how she did that, nor do I know how I didn't see her outside, but God, I can barely breathe. She's smiling at me, looking really proud with teared up eyes.

She winks at me too, and I have to bite my lower lip to contain my smile. I want to jump off the stage and kiss her, but I can't, obviously. Lucky for me, Robert just said something funny. I take this as the opportunity to smile bright, look her way and scrunch my nose. She winks again, blows me a kiss real quick and keeps smiling.

I look at her for a while longer, barely able to look another way until Hemsworth starts saying a few things. I turn to my side, and look at Sebastian. He's here too, I'm glad he is. "Seb, hey. She's here, my girl is here" I whisper in his ear, making him look up.

"Seriously? Amelia?" she silently asks, so I nod my head and slightly look her way again. Sebastian also takes a look, smiles a little and puts his hand on my back for a second. "Keep that one, Evans" he adds, causing me to smile yet again. Oh yes, I'm definitely keeping her.



Back to Amelia's POV

I think Sebastian also just saw me, I smiled back at him before he started saying something to Chris again. After some other people said a few things, the cast sits down and we all watch the movie. I cried my eyes out, but my God, this is the best movie I have ever seen. I don't think I've ever felt more proud of anyone than I do now, of my man.

He did an outstanding job in this movie, like he always does, and I can't stop crying about it. I'm so proud, and I'm so happy that Steve Rogers got the ending he really deserved. This is gonna be hard on Chris, but I'm sure he loved the way Steve's story in the MCU ended like this. I didn't like seeing Chris kissing another girl though, but it's his job so it's fine! It's not like we're together or anything, I should probably get that off my mind.

Once the cast left, everyone gets out as well. Instead of taking the normal exit, I take the one that leads to the back of the building, where I can get outside easily with the backstage VIP pass around my neck. There's a small area here where only the cast and crew can come, so I stay there for a while and lean against the wall, casually waiting for my man to come out.

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