𝟏𝟕. 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭

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- Time Skip, One Week Later -

And just like that, we talked all day and night, through FaceTime. He came over to my place at 10am the next morning, and we spent the day together again, watching movies and cuddling a lot too. In the past week, I've been visiting the set of Knives Out every day, occasionally bringing a new kind of pie or cake with me. Chris loves it when I do that, and I love looking into his lit up eyes when he sees the pie or cake coming his way.

The two of us have bene hanging out a lot on set, but not off set. It's probably because Miles is back, and because I started working again. It's fine though, we have a great time on set together. Today, I'm visiting the set again. It's gonna be an amazing day, not the whole cast will be there, but my favorites will!

"Come on Miles, let's go!" I loudly say, while he's stuffing the last pancake in his mouth. He came out of bed way too late, so we really have to hurry up. Chris told me that he was already gonna be there when we arrive, and that he'd make me some coffee, so there's an extra reason to be on time today. Also, I made another pie for him to try out.



Chris' POV

I take a deep breath, and stand up from the couch in my trailer. I walk up the the little kitchen I have in here, and slowly grab two cups. I get them ready for coffee, but don't actually put coffee in it yet. Amelia is coming to the set again today, and to be honest, I can't fucking wait to see her. Yeah, I saw her yesterday and all the days before that, but still, I can't fucking wait.

I really like that girl, you know? Yeah, it's only been two months since we met, but I just know that she's gonna be a huge part of my life already. I mean come on, she's fucking perfect! Everything about her is, and nothing will ever change my mind. I can't even believe that we actually hung out a few times, I guess we could call those times 'dates'!

When we went our for dinner, that was definitely a date. Come on, nobody would think that it wasn't. A week after that, we had that amazing day together in Boston. I swear to God, if we looked at each other for just a second longer, I would've kissed her. But I also don't want to rush things with her, so that would've been an issue.

We did so many date-able things that day, it was just crazy romantic. The day after that, was amazing too. Especially the morning after I stayed with her, and the hugs from behind felt like heaven. I never stopped doing that since the moment I started it, and she always giggles about it in the most adorable way ever.

We've been having the best time together, every single time we see each other. And the pies and cakes she brings, are fucking awesome. She told me that she's bringing another new pie today, for me to try out. For now, I just have to wait for a little while before I can see her again, so I grab my phone and check my messages.


|text message|

Hey Chris! Are you working

Hey! Yeah I am

Great, can I step by?

I haven't done that yet and I'm
free today sooo


As in, today today?

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 ➳ 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now