𝟐𝟑. 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫

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"That sounds nice, I'd love to go for a walk with you and Dodger tomorrow" I giggle on reply to his question, making Chris smile bright. I'm excited for tomorrow, the dinner with the whole cast at my place will be amazing and I'm so happy that Chris is coming over early to help me cook! "Alright, beautiful. I'll be at your place woth Dodger at 1pm then, yeah? We could grab lunch in the park, if you want?" he suggests, making me smile again.

"Sure, yeah! I'll see you tomorrow then" I reply, kissing his cheek before he opens the door to my car for me. "I'll see you tomorrow, drive safe princess" Chris adds, so I nod my head, let him kiss my cheek and step in the car. I drive off with Miles next to me, and notice a bright smile on his face.

"What's up with you?" I ask, giggling a little as I look at my brother for a second. "I think I want to go to a studio, to record some songs" he suddenly replies, while my eyes widen at the sound of that. "Really? Miles, that's amazing! You should definitely do that!" I happily add, making him smile again.

"Yeah, I think so! There's a lot of love and happy vibes around me at the moment, you know? It inspires me, it makes me want to just record them, and maybe even publish them" he explains, looking at me. "That's great, but um, what do you mean with 'love'? Do you mean friendship, or do you maybe have a crush on someone?" I ask, but he shakes his head while he laughs.

"Is that a yes, or a no? It's a yes, isn't it? Who is he or she?" I ask again, keeping my eyes on the road now. "I don't have a crush on anyone, do you?" he asks in reply, making me frown now. "No, I don't have a crush on anyone either. Why do you ask?" I ask, and he softly smiles. "No reason, just kidding about it. So um... You want a dog, right? When are you gonna get one?" he asks again now, changing the subject after a moment of silence.

"I don't know yet, I guess I'll just have to see when it kind of comes my way, you know? What do you think, should I get a rescue when the time comes?" I ask him, making him laugh. "I mean, obviously!" Miles chuckles, so I laugh with him and drive us home. I park the car on the property when we get there, and we make our way inside.

I order in some pizza for dinner because it's already pretty late and I have a lot of cooking to do tomorrow, and after eating it on the couch with Miles, we both go to bed. I'm excited about tomorrow, it's gonna be such a great day! After putting on my pajamas, I lay down in bed and check my phone for a while before going to sleep.


Instagram story of @ameliarose

Instagram story of @ameliarose

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Instagram story of @ameliarose

Instagram story of @ameliarose

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