𝟑𝟔. 𝐅*𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐔𝐩

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After the flight, we leave the airport separately too. I take my own car to my own house, and he takes his own car to his house. I wish he was here right now, but I know that he had to go see his family and pick up Dodger. The last week was fucking amazing, it was like an absolute dream with him. I get back home, put my things down and take off my shoes and coat.

I bring my bag upstairs, do some laundry and clean everything up. After that, I make my way back downstairs and prepare myself some lunch. Once I'm done with that, I take it to the dinner table and eat my lunch while I check my phone. Chris already texted me, I really hope he's okay because he looked really sad back there.


|text message|

Home yet?

Wanna cuddle today?

Can I come over?

And can I like stay forever?

Aw bubba

You okay?

I need to cuddle

I know, come over

And stay till tomorrow

We can order in some
food tonight and watch Disney
movies all day


On my way😁




I silently giggle about this conversation, put down my phone and finish my lunch. I do my dishes real quick before Chris gets here, until the doorbell rings. I walk up to the door, open up and see him standing there like a little puppy, his eyes a little watery and his mouth a little pouty. "Oh honey" I sigh, followed by a giggle as he steps inside.

He puts his bag down, quickly takes off his shoes and his coat, and just picks me up. I giggle about it, wrap my arms and legs around him and give him little kisses on his cheek. Suddenly, he starts walking while he's still holding me. He makes his way to the stairs, and walks ti my room upstairs where he lays me down on the bed, under the covers.

Without wasting any time, he hands over the TV remote and lays down on top of me, in between my legs as his head rests on my boobs, which makes me silently laugh again. "Are you okay, bub?" I silently ask, running my hand through his hair very softly and often giving his head some kisses.

"Now I am" he replies, holding me even tighter now. "Hey, remember how you always tell me to talk to you when something's going on?" I ask again, making him look up. "Yeah" he replies, so I nod my head. "I need you to do the same thing for me now, Chrissy. Talk to me when something's goin on, like now" I add, making him smile while he tears up again.

"I'm just... I was really nervous about meeting your family, I guess that's coming out a little now" he replies, but there's something he's not telling me. "I know, and I get that, but what's going on beside that?" I ask again, letting him know that I'm onto him which makes him smile. He looks at my lips once before looking into my eyes again, while his are still teared up.

"I don't know, I just... The airport thing was really fucked up, you know? I couldn't go in there with you because some people are gonna be jerks about it, and that really sucks. I just wanna be able to be like this with you everywhere, not just behind closed doors but I know that if we do that, people are gonna be assholes about it... I don't want that for me, but I most certainly don't want that for you" Chris explains, making me tear up a little as well.

"I know, bubba... I wanna be like this outside with you too, but maybe that's not really an option for us right now. People aren't gonna be nice to you about it, I don't want that to happen. We can still continue everything the way we used to do on set, but... Carefully, right?" I suggest, and one tear leaves his eye while he nods his head.

I silently sigh, kiss his forehead and wrap my arms around him. I can feel him taking a few shocking breaths, so I hold him even closer and start rubbing his back. "We'll be okay, bub. We're gonna be fine, and we'll continue to be fine, okay? The most important thing is that we can be together, doesn't matter where or when. We can always just book another flight and go to like Greece or whatever to be alone" I silently say, ending it with a joke.

"Do you mean that? All of it?" he asks, wiping away his tears before looking up at me. "Ofcourse I do, pretty boy" I giggle, kissing his temple. "Does that include the last sentence? Because I want that, so, does that include the last sentence?" Chris asks again, finally smiling again now. "Um, well... I was joking, but-" I try to reply, until he interrupts me.

"Let's go! Let's go to Greece or something, just us. Just the two of us, we can rent a private house there so we don't have to worry about anything" he happily suggests, smiling very bright as he holds himself up with his elbows. "Really?" I ask after a moment of silence, and he kisses my chin and nose.

"Really, let's do that. We can plan it, we can see when we're both free and then just go. We can just leave, fuck it. I wanna be with you, a vacation would be a fucking dream" he relies, making me laugh. "Okay, fuck it" I giggle, so he cheers about it and cuddles up again. We talk about all the things we want to do when we're there, and spend the rest of the day in bed, watching Disney movies.



- Time Skip, Two Weeks Later -

Chris and I spent every day together in the past weeks. Literally, every day. We spent the first week at my place with Dodger, and the second week at his place. His mom and Scott visited when I was with him, and we had such a great time. I made a pie for everyone that day, and they all loved it. Today, I have to go back to my own place because I have an appointment to go out and do my nails at the mall, at the place I always go.

"You really have to go, don't you?" Chris asks, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I do... I'm sorry bub" I sigh in reply, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. "It's okay, call me when you're back home. I might come over, just so you know" he adds, making me laugh. We say goodbye with a lot of kisses and hugs, and I drive back to Cambridge.

I leave my bag in the car, drive over to the mall and make my way to the nail salon. The owner of the salon is a friend of mine, so she always gives me the prettiest nails! Once I'm done there, I walk past a cute little souvenir shop. I see a few keychains, and immediately think of Chris.

Since we're spending every day together and since he always randomly comes over, I want to give him a key to my house. I get inside the shop, buy a little keychain with a heart and an 'A' hanging on it, and buy that one for Chris along with one that says "keys to my happy place". The heart is because I like him so much, and the 'A' is so that he can remember it's a key to my home. My home is his home, he knows that I think of it that way. Everywhere we are can be home, as long as we're together.

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