𝟕. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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After having dinner with Chris and Miles, I clean the table and start on the dishes. "Need some help?" I hear, coming from behind me. I look back, and see Chris slowly walking up to me. "It's okay, you're the guest here" I giggle, making him smile. "Since you cooked dinner on your own, I should help you with the dishes" he adds, so I smile back at him.

"I'm just gonna put these in the dishwasher, it's no big deal. But thank you for the offer, I hope you liked the food" I say with a smile, while he leans against the counter. "I did, you're a great cook. So uh, you can cook and bake? Really?" Chris asks, looking at me as his eyes light up again. "I guess so" I giggle, making him laugh.

"Wow, awesome. It's great that you own all those shops, your cakes, pies and pastries are one of the reasons I get out of bed int he morning" he jokes, making me laugh. "Hey guys, sorry but I'm gonna go to bed. I don't know if you noticed, but it's almost 11pm and we're starting st 7am tomorrow so... Yeah, goodnight! Thanks for the ride, Chris" Miles says, walking up the stairs after we said goodnight back.

"I'll uh... Yeah, I'll go too then" Chris nervously chuckles, like he thinks that I want him to go. "I mean, it's alright if you want to stay. I have coffee, so..." I slightly suggest, making him smile. "I'd love a cup of coffee, but on one condition" he replies, so I raise my eyebrows and slowly nod my head. "You're having it with me, and I'm helping you with the dishes" he adds, which makes me laugh.

"Alright, fine" I jokingly sigh, so he laughs with me and starts helping with the dishes. After doing all the dishes together, I grab the both of us a cup of coffee and take Chris to the couch where we sit down. "So um, have you done a lot of movies before this one? I'm sorry to ask, but I don't really watch a lot of movies and stuff so..." I nervously say, but he shakes his head after taking a sip of coffee.

"Oh, that's fine, don't worry. It's pretty nice actually, no prejudice and stuff, you know? But uh, yeah, a few. I've been acting since I was a kid" he replies, making me smile. "That's amazing, and I'm glad you don't mind. I'll watch some of your movies soon, I'm sure they're great" I giggle, and he laughs with me.

"Well, let me know what you think" he chuckles, so I nod my head and take a sip of my coffee. "I'll let Miles tell you what I think then, since he's the one who sees you every day" I add, while Chris slowly nods his head. "Right, yeah... You know, of you want to, you can always come visit him on set. I lo- um, we love visitors on set, especially family members. My brother visites us a lot too" he tells, looking at his hands before looking up at me.

"Really? I can just do that?" I ask, while his eyes light up again. Wow, that's truly beautiful... "Yeah, yeah definitely!" Chris happily replies, making me laugh. "Alright then, maybe I will. I'll bring you one if the pastries you like to much" I giggle, and he laughs with me.

"Sounds awesome, I can't wait" he chuckles, so we laugh again and finish the coffee over some small talk. After finishing two more cups of coffee, we look at the time and notice that it's 1am already. Chris really has to go now, so I walk him to his car. "I had a really nice time with you tonight, thanks for letting me stay" Chris says, grabbing his car keys from his pocket.

"I did too, and I'm glad you stayed. Good luck on set tomorrow!" I add, naming him smile. "Thanks, and uh, before you go... I don't know, but I think that um... Maybe it would uh, maybe it would be convenient if I had your number? You know, in case something is going on with Miles or something" he nervously suggests, making me smile as well while I start blushing a little.

"Sure, yeah, it would be pretty convenient" I giggle, so he smiles again and nods his head while he grabs his phone. "Here you go, you can just uh, yeah" he chuckles, handing it over so I can put my number in there. I do so, put my name in there as well and give it back. "Thanks! I'll uh, I'll text you! If that's okay, ofcourse" he quickly says, making me laugh yet again.

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