𝟏𝟒. 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲

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- Time Skip, One Week Later -


Back to Amelia's POV

It's Friday today, and in a few minutes, Chris is picking me up and taking me to Boston. He told me that he had a whole day planned, so I'm sure we'll have fun! Miles flew to Ohio yesterday, to visit our parents for a few days. He'll be back here on Monday, to start working again, but it's actually pretty convenient that he's there right now.

In the past week, I've been making a lot of pies, cakes and other pastries. I just made up a whole bunch of recipes, followed them and took every thing I made to the set. Chris loved everything I made, and he already asked me to make a cake for his birthday in June. Before Chris arrives, I check my phone real quick. I'm so excited for this day!


Instagram story of @ameliarose

Instagram story of @ameliarose

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Only a few minutes later, the doorbell rings. I walk up to the door, open it and see Chris standing there with a huge smile on his face. "Wow, you look beautiful" he says, looking at me from head to toe for a second. "Why, thank you! You look very handsome" I giggle, making him smile again. "Ready to go, sweetheart?" he asks, offering me his arm. "Ofcourse" I reply with a smile, grabbing my purse and wrapping my arm around his after closing the door behind me.

He takes me to his car, and opens the door for me like he did when we went to that restaurant last week. He steps in as well, and starts driving towards Boston. "So, what are we gonna do today?" I ask, looking at him. My God, he looks hot when he's driving...

He looks at me with a smile for a split second, and shakes his head. "That's a surprise, beautiful" he replies, so I raise my eyebrows. "A surprise? Really?" I ask again, smiling bright while he smiles as well. "A surprise, yes" he chuckles, and I laugh with him.

"Can't you give me some clues?" I ask again, still looking at him and the way his hand holds the steering wheel, his veins showing up and making me melt. "I think we're gonna do something you like, that's all I'm gonna say for now" he tells, and yet again, we laugh.

"Hey um, I actually spent the last week watching your movies!" I happily say, and he raises his eyebrows. "Did you really? Well uh, what did you think?" he asks, looking a little nervous.

"I loved them all, so much! You're amazing, I can't even describe how proud I am! Snowpiercer, Red Sea Diving Resort, Captain America: Civil War and Gifted were my favorites, you're so good, Chrissy! I'm so proud of you, and oh my God, you had a beard in some of them! Honestly, that looks fucking awesome. I love the way you look without a beard, because you look like a puppy, but with a beard? I mean, Nomad Steve? Fuck yes" I giggle, making him smile bright.

"Thank you! I um... I-I actually have a beard usually, but it had to come off for Knives Out. But uh, yeah, thank you! I really appreciate that, thank you" he replies, so I smile back at him. "There's no need to thank me, I'm just proud of you" I add, and he looks at me for a second again, switching from my eyes to my lips which makes me smile.

After a few minutes of driving and talking about the movies he did, he parks the car at his home. He opens the door for me, and takes my hand in his once I stepped out. I take a few steps towards his house, but he holds me back and shakes his head. "Nope, we're going for a walk first" Chris says, gently pulling me with him as I giggle.

We walk through the street he lives in, until we get to the cutest little market ever. "I was thinking, maybe we could buy some fresh ingredients and bake something together? I mean, I'd love to learn from you and I think it could be fun" he tells, making me smile bright.

"That would be amazing, I love that idea!" I giggle again, squeezing his hand for a second. We walk around on the market, and buy some things we definitely need. He finally let's me buys the stuff, it took a while to get him to key me pay, and his deal was that I pay for the cake ingredients and he pays for the rest of all the things we're doing today, but at least he let's me pay something.

"Hey um, what kind of cake do you want to bake?" I ask, while I stop walking and stand in front of him. "Hm, I don't know actually... What do you want to make? I wanna bake something you love" he replies, making me smile. "Alright, um... You like lemon too, right?" I ask again, and he nods his head.

"Maybe... Oh, maybe we can make a lemon blueberry buttermilk cake! That's such an amazing one, I used to make it when I was younger" I suggest, while he smiles bright and switching his eyes from my lips to my eyes every second again.

"Sounds amazing, sweetheart. Let's go get those things then, yeah?" he asks, so I agree and we start looking for all the things we need. Once I bought them all, which Chris kept whining about, we make our way back to his house. "Wow, look at all those flowers!" I happily say, pointing at the flowers on the path next to his house. We took a different way to his home, that's why we're only seeing them now.

"You like flowers, huh?" Chris asks, still not letting go of my hand as he holds the bag of ingredients in the other. "Yeah, I love flowers! You should see my- never mind, you already saw my house..." I sigh, looking up at him as he looks at my lips again. "Oh, right! I did notice a lot of flowers in there, yeah! Do you wanna pick some? We can make a bouquet" he suggests, making me smile even brighter than before.

"Okay, yeah!" I giggle, making him smile as well before he puts the bag down. We pick a few of the flowers, and make a cute little bouquet out of it together. I really love flowers, they make me amazingly happy. After finishing the little bouquet, we walk up to his house. I greet Dodger with lots of cuddles, and Chris shows me around his home. It's beautiful in here!

"Alright so, what if we make the cake first? While that's in the oven, we can make lunch and have the cake as a little dessert" Chris suggests, making me smile. "Sounds like a good plan, yeah" I giggle, so he takes my hand, nods his head and walks towards the kitchen with me.

We start to make the batter together, and even have a little batter fight. It's in our hair, on our faces and on our clothes, but it was really fun! We clean ourselves up with some water, but since I'm wearing a white shirt, it's not really working. "Sorry, it's got getting out huh?" Chris asks, pointing at my shirt.

"It's fine, I have enough white t-shirts. Besides, this was worth it" I giggle and he laughs with me. "Wait here" he quickly adds, running out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "Okay..." I whisper to myself, followed by a silent giggle as I wash my hands again.

Only a few seconds later, Chris quickly gets downstairs again. He walks up to me with a big smile on his face, and hands over one of his hoodies. "Here you go, beautiful. It's probably a little too big, but at least it'll keep you warm. Also, you'll look crazy cute in it" Chris says, making me smile as well.

"Thanks, Cap" I giggle, taking it from him and pulling the gray hoodie over my head. "See? Adorable" he sighs, looking at his feet for a second before looking back up at me. "You're cute, Chrissy" I silently giggle, looking up at him because he's way taller than I am. "Yeah well, I try" he jokingly replies, making me laugh.

We put the finished cake batter in the oven, and start on a lunch dish. We're making chicken pesto pasta, but not too much, because we still have a cake to taste!

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