𝟏𝟎. 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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"Hey sweetie, how was work today?" I ask, while Miles kisses my cheek in the car. "It was fine, how was your day? Made anything new?" he asks, fasten his seat belt. I look over to the backseat for a split second, but decide not to tell Miles about the pie I made for Chris. "Nope, just a lot of paperwork. Ready for dinner and drink with your new friends?" I ask in reply while I start driving, giving him a smile.

"Yeah, definitely. I'll just text you when I'm done, alright?" he asks again, so I nod my head and drive over to the restaurant he's going to be eating. "Have fun sweetie!" I add before he steps out, so he says goodbye and walks away. I'm really glad that he made some friends, I'm glad he's having a good time.



Chris' POV

My God, did I just ask her out on a date? I mean, maybe not directly, but I definitely did it indirectly! And my God, she said yes! That girl is just straight up fucking amazing, I can't seem to get her off my mind. From the moment I first saw her in real life, in the parking lot on set, I knew that I was going to do everything I can to make her my girl.

This woman is just everything I could ever ask for, to be honest. I mean, I've only known her for like a month or so, but she's already awesome. Don't even get me started on the way she looks, because I don't have the words. She's an angel, a fucking angel. Since she's Miles' sister, I have a reason to see her more often.

When we took a walk around the set this afternoon, I felt all kinds of sparks running through my whole body. She makes me feel so many things all at once, but all good things though. I've never, ever felt like this before in my life, with no one. This girl is just special, really fucking special, and we're kind of going on a date tonight!

The way she looks at me, and the was she smiles and laughs when she's around me, just make me feel warm inside. She's beautiful, and her eyes completely light up when they look into mine. It's cute, I'm taller than she is so she has to look up a little to look into my eyes. The way she does that is adorable, and she always adds a smile, which always makes me smile as well. God, she's everything...



Back to Amelia's POV

I drive over to the address Chris gave me, and park my car on the property. Wow, his house looks beautiful from the outside! I get out of the car with my purse, and walk up to the door. I take a deep breath, ring the doorbell and wait for only a few seconds before the door opens.

"Hey! Wow, you look beautiful" Chris says, offering me his hand to step inside. "Thank you, do so you. You look really handsome in a dress shirt like that" I giggle, making him smile bright. "Thanks, I'm glad you like it! I really tried my best to dress up for you tonight" he chuckles, making me laugh.

"You did it really well, it looks great!" I add, and we both smile again before the most adorable dog ever runs up to us, immediately asking for cuddles. "Hi there! Ah, you must be Dodger, adorable!" I giggle, giving the dog the cuddles he wants. "I knew he'd like you" Chris sighs, making me laugh.

After a little while of talking about how he got Dodger and about how sweet and cute he is, Chris grabs his things and takes me outside. He opens the door of his car for me, and holds my hand until I sit down. I buckle up, just like he does when he sits down, and he drives towards the restaurant he made a reservation at.

"After you, my lady" he says, opening the door to the restaurant for me after we got there, making me giggle. I step inside, and immediately smell amazing food in here. The waitress takes us to our table, and Chris even moves my chair for me. "Why, thank you!" I giggle again, making him smile bright.

He sits down in front of me, and we order a drink. The both of us just choose for water, because we still need to drive. We also order a pasta dish, the same one. We talk about Dodger again, and about Chris' past years as an actor. I asked about it though, I just think he's an amazingly talented, intelligent, interesting and passionate man whom I want to know all about!

"So um, you know my mom, huh?" Chris asks, before eating some of his pasta. "I do, yeah. She's such a sweet woman, I love giving her free pastries" I giggle, making him laugh. "Yeah, she's the best" he replies, and I nod my head. "How about the rest of your family? You probably have siblings, right? Since your mom called you her 'oldest son'" I say, while he also nods his head.

"I do have siblings, yes. Two sister and one brother, actually" he tells, making me smile. "That's nice, are you a close family?" I ask, still smiling. "Very close, yeah. How about you? What's your family situation like?" Chris asks, like he's really interested in me.

"Um, I have two sisters and one brother as well, actually. Miles is the brother" I jokingly tell, making him laugh. "Oh yeah? Is he really?" he asks, still laughing as I laugh with him. He tells me about his brother and his sister, and asks me about mine too. I tell him about my siblings, and about my parents. I also tell him that Miles actually makes music too, but he never published it.

"So uh, to change the subject here... You own some pastry shops here, around Massachusetts, right?" Chris asks after laughing and talking for a while. "I do, but um, also in other states. Also, a few in the UK. There's 24 in the US, and 7 in the UK" I explain, and he widens his eyes. "Really? Wow, that's amazing! Have you always wanted to own pastry shops? Like, is it your dream job?" he asks again, looking at my lips for a split second before looking into my eyes.

"Well, I wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up, but I've always loved cooking and baking. I actually did Law School at Harvard University, and I gratuaded, but I didn't become a lawyer after all. I just wanted to focus on the baking I loved to do, and the company I was starting" I explain, and he nods his head.

"That's awesome, really fucking awesome. I like that about you, you know? You're so passionate about what you do, like, you light up when you talk about it and it's... It's adorable" Chris adds, making me smile as I bite the inside of my lip.

"How about you? Have you always wanted to be an actor?" I ask, putting my elbow on the table and holding my face in my hand as I drown in his ocean eyes. "I've always been a theater kid, but honestly... I wanted to work for Disney and Pixar when I was a younger. I loved to draw and stuff, so... Yeah, I wanted that. But I also wanted to be an actor, which worked" he chuckles, making me laugh.

"That's so cute, I can even imagine little Chris sitting at a little desk, drawing Disney figures" I giggle, and he laughs with me. "So, about your pastries and stuff; do you always keep the same assortment? Or do you make up new things?" he asks, still looking pretty interested. "I try to make ik at least one new thing a week, but it's hard to keep making things up" I reply, and he nods his head.

"Yeah, I get that. Hey uh, if you ever need a jury to taste new things you're trying, call me or come to the set! Or even to my house, I don't care, I love cake, pie and pastries so... I'll be your jury" he tells, making me laugh. "Alright, deal!" I giggle, and he laughs with me.

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