𝟒𝟑. 𝐍𝐨 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 *

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He keeps kissing my neck, sucking my sweet spot and making me silently moan as I bite my lip. "You're so beautiful, baby" he whispers in my ear, making me softly smile. His hands make their way to my breasts, gently massaging them as his fingers brush against my already-hardened nippels.

"So fucking beautiful" he whispers, moving his hand to my clit. I moan, louder than before and grab that hand as I shake my head. "It's your turn" I silently say, still slowly shaking my head. I turn around, stand up and tell him to sit down on the wide side of the tub. He does as I say, and looks at me from head to toe.

I walk over to him, kiss his lips passionately and sit down on my knees where I face his hardening member. I can see Chris licking his lips as he holds onto the sides of the tub, looking at me. I slowly take his member in my hand, and softly lick the tip.

He closes his eyes, and grips the sides tighter. I lick it again, again and again as he starts slightly bucking his hips. I softly smile, and take the tip in my mouth. I push my head further and further onto his cock, until it doesn't fit anymore. I slowly bob my head, letting my tongue brush the tip each time.

Chris growls like crazy, bucking his hips, asking me to go faster. I do so, and massage his balls with my free hand. "Baby..." he growls, making me go faster, until I feel his warm cum rolling down my throat. I suck the tip for a while longer as he looks at me, smiling and catching his breath.

I get up, look into his eyes and swallow the rest of his cum. "You're so fucking hot" he states. I softly smile, and lick his lips for him before I kiss them. We go back to bed after taking a quick shower, not to mention the incredibly hot shower sex we had, and cuddle up when we're done taking care of Dodger and Stevie for a moment.

They're both laying on the cold floor in this room, it's a really cozy feeling to be here with my man and the dogs. "Hey um... There's something I want to tell you. I've been wanting to tell you for a while but uh... I think now is the time" Chris nervously says as I'm laying in his arms, making me smile.

"Go ahead, handsome" I giggle, turning to my stomach and holding myself up with my elbows to look at him. "I uh... You're everything to me, you know? You're the one person that makes me want to wake up in the morning, you're the one that makes me happy and... And... I love you" he tells, looking right into my eyes with a sweet little puppy smile.

I slowly drop my smile, but keep looking right into his eyes. "W... W-what?" I silently say as my eyes tear up, followed by a few thick tears rolling down my cheeks already. "I... I-I love you" Chris replies, frowning a little while he sits up against the headboard. I sit up straight too, turning around to look right at him.

"You love me?" I ask again, frowning as tears keep running down my cheeks. "Yes, baby. I love you, I love you, come here" he quickly tells, pulling me close and letting me lay on his chest as I cry my eyes out. "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry" he whispers in my ear, running his hand through my hair and kissing the top of my head every so often, while he just let's me cry out.

"I love you" I let out after a moment of just sobbing, realizing that I really do love him. I love him with all my heart, more than I've ever loved anyone, and it scares the shit out of me. "You don't have to say that baby, you don't have to say that. It's okay, you don't have to say it back" Chris quickly adds, but I shake my head.

I sit up straight again, wipe away the tears before new ones replace the old ones, and look at him. "I love you, okay? Fuck it, I love you, I've fucking known that from the moment I looked into your stupid fucking beautiful, charming, warm eyes!" I loudly say, getting out of the bed and pacing up and down the room as I run my hands through my hair.

"Baby, it's okay, you-" he tries to say, but I interrupt him. "It's not! It's not okay! It's- Why are you so fucking perfect?! Why are you- I can't- God! You're perfect, and God knows that you're perfect for me! I told myself that- that I'd never ever start anything with anyone ever again, but yet here I am, falling in love with Chris fucking Evans! No offense!" I shout, and he lets out a chuckle at my last sentence.

He stands up from the bed, and slowly walks my way. "Why are you making me feel this way..." I silently say, still crying a little. "Come here, baby" he sighs, opening up his arms for me. I let out a loud sigh, wipe away some more tears and walk right into his arms, wrapping mine around him as well as he wraps his around me.

"It's okay, I get it. I understand, I really do. I know you're scared, I know you didn't want this, and I hate to break it to you, but we're already in it. Deeply, even. I love you, and I'm never ever letting you go. I'll always love you, I'll always be here and I'm not going anywhere. You're my girl, I can't live without my girl. So believe me if I say that I know and understand why you're scared, but you need to know that I'm not letting you go. Not even for a second, never. I'll keep you safe, inside and out. I promise, you're my life mission, baby. I love you, Amelia" Chris explains, making me cry again.



- Time Skip, One Month Later -

Chris and I just got back home yesterday, but when we walked into his home, his whole family was there. I already knew his mom and Scott, but now, I also know his sisters. Carly and Shanna are two of the sweetest human beings I've ever met, they welcomed me into the family even though Chris and I aren't official, yet. I stayed there anyway, Chris really wanted me to and I loved spending some time with his family.

His sisters and his mom asked me to come with them for dinner without the boys, so I just said yes and went with them after changing my clothes. We had fun all night, and they told me how much they love be about a hundred times. They also told me that I make Chris happy, and I loved hearing that.

After my little breakdown in Greece, it's like Chris and I have been doing even better. It's like we know each other better than we did before, it's like we're really completing each other. We're basically one now, so if you get one of us, you get the other too. We occasionally kiss, have sex and tell each other 'I love you'. Basically; we're an unofficial couple.

I stayed the night here, so after having sex in his bed, on his couch and on his kitchen counter, we got some sleep. I'm deeply I love with Chris, and in the past month in Greece, he helped me believe that it's okay. He made sure that I knew that he's always gonna be there for me and with me, and because of that, I know that it's okay too.

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