𝟑𝟗. 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬

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I'm pretty nervous about this, actually. I mean, he seemed to be excited about me being here, but what if he just wants to be alone with the cast right now, because it's their last premiere together? You know what? That's not gonna happen. He's gonna love it, this is just my anxiety kicking in.

After only a few more seconds of looking at my feet, the exit door bursts open. I quickly look up, and see my cute, dorky, puppy dog of a man storming out worh a huge smile on my face. He runs up to me, and lifts me up in a big hug as soon as he gets to me. "Baby, I-I can't fucking believe it" he chuckles, sounding a bit emotional. This has a few reasons, ofcourse, but I'm here to support him. No, matter, what. Always.

"You have no idea how proud I am, bubba" I giggle, and he slowly puts me back down on the ground. It's already dark outside, but I can look right into his beautiful teary eyes. I run my hand through his hair, kiss all over his face and tell him how proud I am about 100 times, if not more than that. He thanks me for being here, and tells me that he thought he was dreaming when he saw me sitting there.

"When did you even get here? And how?" he asks, chuckling a little and putting his hand on my cheek very softly, keeping it there as he looks at every part of my face. "I got here this morning, took a flight at 3am" I reply, running my hand through his hair again.

"My God... You're here!" he chuckles again, looking down for a second before looking back up, right into my eyes. "Ofcourse I'm here, Chrissy" I sigh, and I just know that he knows thst I'll always, always he there. Anywhere, with him and for him. We just look at each other with smiles on our faces in silence for a while longer, until he takes a deep breath and puts his hand on my cheek again.

"I'm... Okay, I'm gonna do something, alright? I'm gonna do something, and it might ruin everything, but it'll be worth it. I'm just... I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do something that might ruin it all, okay? I'm just gonna shoot my shot, and even if it gets everything ruined, it's gonna be worth it" Chris nervously says, looking at my lips for a second while I frown a little.

"Okay" I silently giggle, so he takes a deep breath again and adjusts his hand on my cheek. He moves his face closer and closer to mine, until his soft lips finally touch mine. It's like fireworks are in the sky, and in my body. Butterflies fly around in my stomach and goosebumps show up on my whole body. I never knew that this is that I really want, until now.

I kiss him back, just letting this happen until he slowly backs off a little. We stay silent for a moment, looking at each other again. That poor guy looks even more nervous than he did on stage, I can't help but smile right now. "So um... Did I? Ruin it all?" he silently asks, giving me a small nervous smile while he slowly moves his hand from my cheek.

I let out a silent sigh, put my hand on his cheek now and pull him down to me, kissing his soft lips again. "You didn't ruin anything, bub" I reply after the kiss, making him smile bright. "Really? This just happened? Can we like, keep that in? Because I'm not gonna stop kissing you anymore now, just so you know" he jokingly says, making me laugh.

"Dork" I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck before we meet for another long, romantic kiss. We end the kiss with a few soft, little kisses, and look at each other with a smile after. Suddenly, we hear someone walking up to us from behind Chris. We both look up, watching Sebastian and Lizzie walking up to us.

"Hey you guys! Amelia, it's so nice to see you again!" Sebastian happily says, while Chris heavily blushes. "It's nice to see you too" I giggle, taking Chris' hand in mine. Lizzie greets me too, and I thank her again for the help she gave me in the past weeks, to keep this a secret and stuff.

All of a sudden, Sebastian starts frowning a little. "Evans, why are you blushing like tha- oh..." he says, making the 'oh' very long. "Shut up, Seb. Anyways, um, are you two coming for dinner?" Lizzie asks, punching Sebastian's arm.

"Oh, you guys go! I'm gonna go back to the hotel, have fun tonight" I reply, kissing Chris' cheek once before taking a few steps towards the exit of the area, but Chris takes my hand before I can walk away. "Wait, come with us" he says, giving me another smile while he slowly stops blushing.

"That's okay, it's your night. Go have fun, I'll see you at the hotel if you want to" I add, but he shakes his head. "I know that you want me to go by myself because 'it's our night', but like you always tell me, we're gonna see each other again all the time. You're here now, and I want you to come. So either you come with us or I'm coming with you" he explains, joking in the last sentence which makes me giggle.

"It's true though, you should come with us. He's been talking about you for ages, the whole cast would love to meet you. Others are actually taking their partners, you know? Since your pretty much a part of Evans, you should definitely be there" Sebastian tells, making me look at him.

"I don't want to ruin your goodbye-dinner..." I silently say, almost whispering as I look back up at Chris again. "It's not a goodbye-dinner, and you could never ruin anything, baby" he silently replies, kissing my cheek before taking both my hands. "Let's go, shall we?" he asks, making me smile.

I finally agree on coming with them, and they take me to the restaurant. The whole place is empty except for all of us, I guess they rented the place for the night! I meet everyone there, from Robert Downey Jr and his wife to Tom Holland. It's great to meet all these people, not only because I saw them in Marvel movies, but also because they're my man's closest friends.

We all have a great time together, and we stay there for hours and hours until we leave. Chris and I are staying at the same hotel, together with some others who stay the night in LA before going back to their homes. I immediately grab my things in my own hotel room, and make my way to Chris' with him.

"Are you sure you're okay, bubba?" I ask, laying in bed with him after putting on my pajamas and removing my make-up. "I'm okay, baby. You don't have to ask me the whole time, seriously, I'm fine. I'm actually really happy, because you're here with me" he replies, telling me that he's really okay for the 100th time tonight.

"Okay Chrissy, just tell me when you're not" I add, so he nods his head and kisses my cheek before I cuddle up to him. "Baby? Can I ask you something?" Chris suddenly asks, holding me tightly as I rest my head on his chest. I'm kind of humming in reply, which makes him smile before he kisses the top of my head.

"Did you mind me kissing you?" he carefully asks after a moment of silence, causing me to open my eyes again. I look up, and see that he's pretty nervous about this. I let out a silent sigh, and keep looking up.

"I didn't mind you kissing me, no. Why? Do you regret it?" I ask in reply, also getting a little insecure and nervous now. "No! God, no, not at all! Sorry, I made it seem like that but no, I don't regret it at all. Not at all, I'm really glad I finally did it. It took me months to grow the balls to finally do it, I just want to know if you're okay with it or not" Chris quickly adds, immediately making me feel better.

"I'm okay with it, yeah" I reply, giving him a little smile. "Good, because I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back from now on" he chuckles, before placing his soft lips on mine again. "I hope you won't be able to do so" I giggle after the kiss, holding him even tighter.



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