𝟒𝟎. 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐞 *

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- Time Skip, One Month Later -

Today, Chris and I are going to Greece! We booked the trip a while ago, and it's finally time to leave. We're still doing great, spending every day together at either his place or mine without separating, unless we really had to. And oh, the kisses...

His kisses send me to heaven, to be quite honest. We've been kissing a lot, and after only kissing each other on special little moments for like a week, we started kissing way more. Way, way more. We casually kiss now, like whenever we feel like it. Little kisses, big kisses, even making out sometimes... Nothing is too much!

We can't really get enough of each other at this point, I think it's safe to say that we're really way more than friends now. It has been hard for me to acknowledge that, and to accept it, but I do know that it's okay. It's okay with Chris, he's the one I've always needed in my life.

We never talked about what we are, I think we're both too scared to start that conversation. On the other hand, I think we both know that we're more than friends, and that it's okay like this. We're feeling good, feeling comfortable, doing everything together and basically living together too. It's fine like this, I think we know where we stand.

Dodger and Stevie both come with us to Greece, they're pretty much best buddies! They get along very well, and they love playing together as much as they love cuddling up to each other. Chris and I enter the airport separately, and meet each other in there. When we're finally in Greece after the flight, I take a cab and he takes a rented car to the house we rented, and he takes Stevie and Dodger with him.

The cab gets to the house after only a few minutes, so I pay the driver and step out. The car Chris rented is already here, so I just walk up to the front door and open it up with the key I got. "Chrissy? Where are you, bub?" I loudly ask, not seeing anyone in here except for Stevie and Dodger.

"Hey! Sorry, I was getting our things upstairs but, hi!" Chris happily says, running off the stairs and kissing my lips as soon as he gets to me. "Hi bubba" I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him again. "We actually have 2 pools here, did you know that?" he asks, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"That's awesome, maybe we should just go for a swim now" I suggest, and he slowly nods his head before kissing me again. We both make our way upstairs, change into our swimwear by taking turns in the bathroom, and get downstairs again. I put on a really cute bikini, I hope that Chris likes it!

It's white, and it has little flowers on it. To be honest, it also makes my boobs and ass look good. Oh well, win-win! "You uh, you look gorgeous in that bikini, baby" Chris suddenly says, placing his hand on my lower back which makes me smile. "Thank you, I'm glad you like it" I giggle, quickly kissing his lips and looking at his bare chest before walking towards the pool.

 "Thank you, I'm glad you like it" I giggle, quickly kissing his lips and looking at his bare chest before walking towards the pool

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The both of us get in there, and barely let go of each other. His arms are wrapped around my waist, while my while body is wrapped around his. My legs are around his waist, my arms around his neck. I can feel his abs against me, and I must say, it's a really nice feeling.

His fingers are softly caressing my back, while his face rests in the crook of my neck. Suddenly, he gives my neck a little kiss. It makes me smile, and it also sends goosebumps all over my body. "That's nice" I sigh, softly rubbing his back with a smile on my face. I can feel him smiling against my neck as well, until he gives it another kiss.

I softly giggle about it, so he gives it another few soft kisses. Right now, for the first time in about 7 years, I'm trying to hold back a moan. My God, this feels good... I slowly close my eyes, and slightly bite my lip. I move my head to the side a little to give him more access to my neck, until he gives me a soft kiss underneath my ear.

I have to try even harder not to moan right now, he's finding all of my sweet spots like it's the easiest thing in the world. I start breathing a little faster now, I don't think I've ever been as turned on as I am right now. I'm glad we're in the pool, because if I was sitting on his lap with clothes on, he'd notice me being soaked for him.

"You okay, baby?" his beautiful deep voice suddenly asks, causing me to quickly open my eyes and let go of my lip with my teeth. "Hm? Yeah! Yeah I'm... I'm good, are you good?" I ask in reply, looking at his lips. "Oh, I'm good" he adds, also looking at my lips now. I gently put my hand on his cheek, and kiss his soft lips very gently.

He kisses me back with a lot of love and passion, which leads to a full on make out session. We're moving a little together, until we get to the side of the pool. My back leans against the side, while we keep kissing each other's lips. I run my nails along his back very gently, before getting them up into his hair.

Chris' hands start holding my waist a little tighter now, but I don't mind at all. Fuck, this is really gonna happen, finally! His hands slowly make their way down to my lower back, already touching my bikini there. I just know that he wants his hands on my ass, believe me, I've noticed him looking at it a lot of times already.

I get one of my hands in the water, and grab his hand behind my back. I lower it for him, and let him touch me there. I can feel him smiling during the kiss, so I smile as well and start kissing him with even more passion, hoping and praying that he gets the hints.

He grips my ass a little tighter, slightly squeezing it which causes me to let out a silent moan into his mouth. I can feel him smiling again, so I bite his lower lip during the kiss. He silently groans, making me smile and giggle a little before we slowly stop the heated up kiss.

"Baby... You have no idea what-" he tries to say very silently, but I interrupt him. "Oh, I know" I whisper, getting my face closer to his again. I give his lips one quick peck, but he shakes his head and kisses my lips hungrily. I pull him even closer to me, and feel him growing in between my legs.

I push myself onto him a little, which makes him silently groan again. The feeling of him pushing against my clothed core, causes me to let out another moan. I move my hands into the pool now, and slowly untie the little knot in the strings of his swimming trunks. His hands work on my bikini bottoms a little, but he's not taking them off of me.

As we keep kissing, his hands slowly make their way to my back. In only one movement, he unclips the back of my bikini top. I'm a little nervous about this, to be quite honest. I want this, in fact, I need this, but I'm a little nervous. It's because I'm insecure about my body, I don't want him to think that I'm ugly or weird which can scare him off.

I mean, he's Chris Evans, I'm sure he's been with beautiful women in the past, so what if I'm ugly in his eyes? What if my boobs don't look good to him, or even my private parts? Again, I really really want to do this with him, I'm just insecure.

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