𝟐𝟗. 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞

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|Incoming FaceTime call from...|

accept.                   decline.

Hey princess, sorry it took a
while. I wanted to call you
up but I had to pee so I- hey,
what's going on?

Are you mad at me...?

Mad? What?

Are you... Are you mad at
me now?

I'm not mad at you sweetheart,
why would I be mad at you?
Why are you crying, princess?
Are you okay?

I'm... Yeah, but...

It's okay, talk to me angel

I texted you about me having
to stay here for two more
weeks, and you ignored me so...
So now I think you're mad
at me...

Oh, shit, I'm so sorry princess.
I just wanted to see you and
hear you so I called you up, but
I swear to God I had to pee first
and that's why I didn't reply
yet, I promise. I'm sorry beautiful,
I'm really sorry, I didn't mean
to make you cry

You're not mad at me...?

Not in the slightest, angel.
Yeah, I'm gonna miss you and
yeah, two more weeks is pretty
long but I'm not mad at you.
Not at all, I could never be mad
at you. Come on, look at those
eyes! Can't be mad at those, right?

You're cute... I miss you...

I miss you too, you really can't
come back huh?

I already said yes and they
were so happy that I can't
say no now

I get that, yeah... Well um, too
bad, but you're having fun

Yeah but I miss you, Chrissy

I miss you too, princess...
Hey, why are you crying

Because I just miss you and
I'm on my period so I'm like
super emotional and... I just
wanna be with you right

I wanna be with you too,
but we'll be together in two
weeks, yeah? And I'm always
here to text, call of FaceTime

Yeah... Okay bub, thank

Ofcourse, beautiful. Now uh,
this is terrible timing, but I
actually have to go do an
interview right now...

That's okay, I feel better now
anyway. Good luck, text me
when you're home safe?

I will, have fun out there and
say hi to Miles for me

Okay, bye bubba

Bye baby, can't wait to see
you again

You ended the call with


I put my phone down, and wipe away my tears. I don't get how I ever got so lucky, Chris is literally fucking perfect. Also, he just called me baby? Wow, this really does things to me. I take a deep breath, look in the mirror and make it seem like I didn't cry at all. I walk out of my room, and get back downstairs.

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