𝟓. 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡

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Back to Amelia's POV

I wake up again the next morning, take a shower and make my way downstairs like always. It's still very early, but Miles has to start early today and I have a lot to do, so it's fine. I check my phone for a moment after cutting up some fruits in a bowl for Miles, and frown a little at the sight of a new follower on Instagram. I click on the account, and see that it has about 16 million followers.

His name is Chris Evans, I think Miles works with him! I follow him back, and look around just a little. He seems to have a dog, and actually, the man is pretty cute. I like his beard, but I also like the pictures where he doesn't have a beard. I don't actually 'like' them on Instagram ofcourse, that would be weird.

"Goodmorning Amsy, and thank you" Miles happily says, grabbing the bowl of cut up fruits which makes me laugh. "Hey um, is Chris Evans someone you work with?" I ask, frowning a little while Miles just looks at me with widened eyes. "Yes... Why?" he carefully asks, making me smile. "He just followed me on Instagram at... 3am" I reply, and he almost chokes on his water.

"He did not!" he laughs, so I slowly nod my head to know that he did. "Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Idiot" Miles mumbles, chuckling a little which I choose to ignore. After he finished his breakfast, we make our way outside again. I drive him back to Boston, spend the day at the shop and pick him up again when he's done.



- Time Skip, One Week Later -

Miles has been working on set for three weeks now, and everything is still going great. I just dropped him off at the set again, and make my way to the shop in Boston after a few meetings back in Cambridge MA. "Hey Am! How are you?" Emily happily asks, giving me a hug as I walk in. "Hey! I'm good, how are you?" I ask in reply, hugging her back before letting go. "I'm good too! How's Miles doing? Everything alright on set?" she asks, making me smile.

"Yeah, everything is going great! He's having an amazing time, he's already telling me that he doesn't want to leave in two months" I giggle, and she laughs with me. "I get that, Massachusetts rocks!" she adds, and I agree. I reach into my bag to grab my phone, and feel something else. "Oh, shit..." I sigh, taking Miles' lunch out of my bag. I guess I put it in mine instead of his!

"Give me a second, I have to go call Miles up. I have his lunch in my bag" I giggle, grabbing my now as I look at Emily. She nods her head, so I walk away from her and get into my little office here, in the shop in Boston before calling Miles up.



Hey Amsy! What's up?

Hey! Are you doing a scene
right now?

Nope, I'm on a break. Why?

Well, I think I put your lunch
in my bag instead of yours

Really? Wait, let me check...
Oh, yup, I don't have it

Shit, alright, when is your
lunch break?

Um, in about 10 minutes

I can bring it to the set, do
you wany a cupcake too? I'm
at the shop now

Yes please! Can you bring like...
Three cupcakes? You know,
so I can share with the others
who are here right now. It's
just me and two others having
lunch on set

Ofcourse, which ones?

Maybe those Lotus Biscoff
cupcakes? I know that Chris
likes those cookies

Sure! I'll take them with me
and I'll be there in 10 minutes.
I'll text you when I'm on the
parking lot

Alright, thanks Am!

*You ended the call with


I put his lunch back in my bag, and grab three of the Lotus Biscoff cupcakes dorm the shop after finishing some other paperwork. "I have to go bring this over to Miles, I'll be back after" I say, and Emily nods her head. I put on my coat, grab my bag again and walk over to the door. "Hey, let's go out for lunch! I'm craving pizza today" Emily quickly adds, making me laugh.

"Oh yeah, good idea. Let's do that, I'll be back!" I giggle so she laughs with me and I walk out. I grab my car keys, get to my car and step in. I carefully put the cupcakes on the passenger seat, not wanting to ruin them, and start driving towards the set.



Chris' POV

After doing the last scene before lunch with Miles and Katherine, I walk up to Miles' trailer. The door is opened, so I knock once and step in. "Alright, thanks Am!" he says, before putting down his phone. "Hey kid, ready for lunch?" I ask, sitting down on the couch in his trailer, next to Katherine who's already here.

"Well I forgot my lunch, but my sister is gonna bring it over" he sighs in reply, and I immediately look up. "I'm gonna go grab my lunch in my trailer" Katherine adds, standing up and walking out. "So uh... Your sister, huh?" I ask, looking at my phone just to not look at Miles. "Yeah, my sist- hey, you know what... She's coming here in a few minutes, do you wanna walk with me to the parking lot? You can meet her then, you'd like her" he replies, making me look up.

Alright, I have two choices here. Or I'm staying here, meaning that I'm not meeting his beautiful sister, or I'm going with him and meet her anyway, meaning that I'll be able to see if she's wearing a ring or not. I take a deep breath, and slowly nod my head. "Sure, yeah" I add, so he gives me a kind smile and also nods his head.

We talk about the scenes we did and still have to do today, until Miles gets a text. "Oh, she's here. Let's go get my lunch!" he says, standing up from the couch and taking me with him. I'm pretty fucking nervous about this, I mean, I never met her before but I know that she's absolutely fucking gorgeous. What can I say, she never left my mind after seeing those pictures.



Back to Amelia's POV

After texting Miles that I'm here, I step out of the car and grab his lunch and the cupcakes. I put them on the roof of the car for a second, close the door of the car and turn around. "Amsy!" Miles cheers as soon as he sees me, walking up to me with someone else next to him. "Hey sweetie, here you go" I giggle, grabbing his lunch and handing it over.

"Thanks! So uh, Amelia, this is Chris! Chris, this is Amelia, my sister" he says, pointing at the beautiful tall man next to him, the man I recognize. He's the one that followed me on Instagram at 3am last week, and God, he's gorgeous! "It's nice to meet you!" I happily say, sticking out my hand towards him. He's just looking right at me, softly smiling but not moving at all except for his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I silently ask, slowly moving my hand back to myself. "Is he alright? He looks... Zoned out" I ask again after a moment of silence, looking at Miles. "Chris? Hello?" he asks him, placing his hand on the man's shoulder for a moment. "Hm? What? Oh, h-hi! I'm... Hi!" the man suddenly says, looking like he's finally out of his little trance.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you" I giggle, sticking out my hand again. "It's nice to meet you too, and I'm sorry about that. You have a beautiful voice, wow..." he happily replies, ending the sentence with a relieved sigh. "It's okay, and... Thank you, you do too" I giggle again, making him laugh with me for a second. Wow, he's adorable!

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