𝟑𝟐. 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Once Sierra and her family are inside, I wrap my arms around Chris again. "I missed you too much, I just had to come here to see you" Chris silently says, slowly rubbing my back in de hug. "You came her for me, not for Miles?" I ask, backing off a little so I can look at him. "Ofcourse I did, you didn't actually think I was here just for him, did you?" he asks in reply, making me laugh. I place my hand on his now-bearded cheek, and kiss his other cheek a few times.

"Thank you for being here, handsome. I'm really loving the beard you've got going on right now" I add, stroking his beard before letting go of his face again. "I'm glad, beautiful. Are you okay?" he asks, looking at my lips for a split second after looking into my teared up eyes. "I'm okay, just really glad you're here right now. I missed you, I never would've expected you coming here and I really, really appreciate this" I explain, wiping away one tear that left my eyes.

"Come here, baby" he sighs with a smile on his face, pulling me in for another warm hug as he kisses the top of my head. "Just wanted to surprise you, I missed you like crazy and I was free so I thought, why not come to Ohio for a week" he silently tells, stroking my hair and occasionally kissing my temple.

"I love... That, so much" I reply, also talking silently now. I can feel him smiling against my temple before he kisses it again, which makes me smile as well. "I love y... Being here, baby" he adds, and I start holding him tighter. "Are you really staying for a week? Because a week is gonna be long in a hotel and I actually don't want that because I'm definitely not gonna leave your side for even a second so... You can sleep in my bed with me! It's queen sized so you'll have the space, if I'm nice enough to give you any space because I'm probably cuddling up" I quickly say, making him laugh.

"Yeah, it was my plan to stay here with you and no, please don't give me space. I don't need space, nor do I want space. I'm not gonna leave your side either, I'm gonna be glued to you all week" he replies with the same energy, and I laugh with him. "Good, same" I sigh, kissing his jaw before hugging him again. "My God, you're not gonna be this lovey dovey the whole week, right?" we suddenly hear, coming from behind us. I turn around and Chris looks up, while Miles walks up to us.

"Just kidding, it's cute. Come inside, there are two people in there who are dying to meet you, Captain America" he adds, making us laugh while he gets back inside. "You must be freezing, bubba. Let's get you inside, I'll make you some hot chocolate. Oh and I made a pie this morning, so you're in luck" I say, winking at him before kissing his cheek and gently grabbing his hand to take him inside.

"Okay, alright, yeah" Chris whispers to himself, clearly nervous about meeting my parents. It's kinda cute, and I can't help but smile. I take him inside, where Miles takes him to my parents. I can't hear what they're saying, but it looks like my dad is freaking the fuck out inside.

My mom just hugs Chris, clearly telling him kind things before the both of them look back, right at me with huge smiles on their faces. "What?" I loudly ask because they're in the kitchen while I'm in the living room, making them laugh. I just smile at the sight of my handsome man laughing, feeling goosebumps filling up my entire body. God, I'm really glad he's here.

It looks like my mom is making him a little nervous, so I walk up to them and wrap my arms around his. "Everything alright here?" I ask, looking at my mom after looking at Chris. "Yeah, everything is great! Hey uh, do you guys wanna go ice skating after dinner?" my mom replies, taking a few steps towards the kitchen now. I'm looking at Chris now, and see that he's looking back at me with a little smile.

"That sounds nice" I happily sigh, looking at his lips for a second before just giving him a hug. "I missed you" I whisper in his ear, so he wraps his arms around me too and smiles against my temple. "I missed you too" he whispers in reply, not giving me a kiss like he always does. I get that, he's nervous.

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