𝟗. 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥

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"You didn't have to do that, you could've just called me or something to say bye over the phone" I laugh, while he slowly nods his head. "Well uh, I can still do that! So, can I call you later? I'm done at 5pm so... You know" Chris nervously suggests, making me smile again.

"I'd like that, yeah" I giggle, taking a few steps back. "Wait, wait. Can I give you a hug before you go? You look like you give the best hugs ever" he sighs, while I laugh again. "Ofcourse, come here" I giggle, so he walks closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist very firmly, as I wrap mine around his neck.

"My God, I was absolutely right" he sighs, still holding me tight as I laugh. "You smell so good" I giggle, jokingly pushing ny nose underneath his jaw. "You smell better" Chris chuckles, making me laugh again. I gently rub his upper back during the hug, until we both slowly let go.

"That was nice, I really hope you'll come to set with Miles again soon. Are you going to work today?" he asks, keeping his arms around my waist while he looks into my eyes. "Yeah, in Cambridge. But I'm back here to pick Miles up at 7.30pm" I reply, nodding my head.

"Alright, well uh, good luck! Is it okay if I just give you a call at like half past 5pm?" he asks, slowly letting go if me now. "Sounds good, yeah. Good luck to you too, I'll talk to you later then" I reply, taking a few steps back. We say goodbye again, so I walk op to my car and step in. I drive back to Cambridge MA, get to the shop and start working on the paperwork I have to do for today.

After having lunch, I do my best to finish all the paperwork early and go home for a while before I have to pick up Miles again in Boston and make a pie, just because I feel like it. Once it's exactly 5.30pm, my phone rings. I look at it, and see Chris' name on the screen. Alright, this is gonna be amazing!


|Incoming call from...|

Hey Chris!

Hey there! How are you?

I'm good, how are you?

I'm good too, thanks! I'm glad
you're alright, are you still

No, I just got home. Did you
get home safe yet?

I did, yeah! Did you have a
lot of work to do today? A lot
of cupcakes and pies to make?

Just paperwork today, actually.
I did make a pie at home

Hm, paperwork sucks. And
uh, feel free to come to Boston
and give me one of those pies

I will actually consider that...

No no, I was kidding!

I will actually, seriously consider
that, still

Just stay home tonight, you
must be tired

Oh I'm good, and Miles is
going out with some people he
met, in Boston tonight. Meaning
that I'll be in Boston anyway, two
times tonight

Are you really? At what time?

He's going out for dinner and
drinks immediately after work,
so I guess I'll be in Boston at
7.30pm to drop him off at the

Well, then I have a plan

A plan? What kind of plan?

Since you made me dinner
last night, I'll make you dinner
tonight. So if you drop Miles
off at the restaurant, you can
stay with me till he's done so
you don't have to drive like
25 minutes, 4 times

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