𝟏𝟗. 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Chris' POV

I watch Amelia walk away, and let out a silent sigh. I can still barely believe it, that girl is amazing... "My God, she's gorgeous!" Scott cheers, jokingly punching my arm. "Yeah, yeah she's... She's great" I nervously reply scratching the back of my neck for a second. "It's good to see you this happy, you know? I feel like it's been a while since you genuinely felt happy like this" he adds, making me smile.

"I know, it's just... I think she's the one that I've been waiting for, all my life. It hasn't been that long yet, but... It's a feeling I get when I'm with her, or when I see her, hear her, or even hear her name..." I sigh, sitting down on the little couch. "It's love, and yeah, I can see that. You look at her like she's your world, like she's everything you need in your life" he says, so I slowly nod my head and look at my hands.

"I don't even know if she likes me back..." I silently reply, while he sits down next to me. "Oh please, she does. She absolutely does, that girl adores you" Scott chuckles, so I look at him and frown a little. "How do you know?" I ask, making him smile.

"The way she looks at you, the way she talks to you, the way she keeps touching you, the way she's actually wearing your hoodie right now, the fact that she's making you pie, the fact that she went out with you when she could've said no, the way she immediately said yes whrn you asked her to cook together tonight, the way her eyes completely light up when she looks at you and the adorable way she looked back at least twice when she walked away. That's love, right there" Scott explains, and somehow, I realize that he might be right about this.

"All the things you do to her, are the same things she does to you. All the things I just said, are the things you do too. You know what that means? Yeah, that you're in love with each other" he adds, making me smile. "You think so?" I ask, while he smiles back at me. "One hundred percent, yes" he sighs, wrapping his arm around my shoulder for a moment. I'm really glad to have Scott by my side right now, he's the best.



Back to Amelia's POV

"That was amazing, I love chocolate so much" Miles sighs after finishing yet another piece of pie. "I know you do, now go get ready" I giggle, taking the empty plate from him. I walk out of his trailer, and make my way to the set where I talk to the rest of the cast for a while, until Chris and Scott come out too. They walk up to me, so we talk to each other for a few minutes before the scenes start.

While Chris and the others are doing scenes, Scott tells me a little bit about how Chris was as a kid. I love the stories, it sounds like he was such a cute, funny kid back then. He still kind of is, to be honest! "Hey, you two. What are you talking about?" Scott and I hear, coming from behind us after Scott told me a funny story about when they were kids.

"Oh, nothing" Scott chuckles in reply, making me laugh while I wrap my arm around Chris' arm. "Hm, alright..." he jokingly says, and we all laugh again. "So uh, Miles and I are both done for the day and he wanted me to tell you to meet him at the car. I'll see you at 7pm then, yeah?" he asks, looking down at me with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll see you at 7pm! It was so nice to meet you, Scott. Thanks for telling me those adorable stories" I giggle, giving Scott a hug. "Ofcourse sweetie! I had such a good time with you, you're amazing and it was great to meet you!" he happily says, making me smile.

Chris also gives me a hug before I walk away, so I look back twice, and get to the parkingot where Miles is already waiting for me. I drive us home, and make my way upstairs to get ready for tonight. "Are you gonna be okay on your own? I left some cash on the counter so you can order in pizza and ice cream" I say, grabbing my purse.

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