𝟔. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫?

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"I um... I-I love your tattoos" Chris says, pointing at the tattoos on my hands. "Thank you!" I giggle, making him smile. His eyes light up as he looks at me, it's the cutest thing! "Here are your cupcakes, enjoy and have a nice day, alright? I'll pick you up tonight" I say, looking at Miles as he nods his head. I hand over the cupcakes, and say goodbye to the boys.

Before I can get back in the car, Chris stops walking and clearly tells Miles to go back to the set. He turns around, and quickly takes a little run back to me. "Hey! Um, t-thank you for those uh, for those cupcakes! Are you a b-baker or something?" he asks, scratching the back of his neck for a second.

"A pastry chef, yeah" I giggle, making him smile. "That's awesome, do you work in a shop here or something? Or even have one?" he asks again, and I smile back at him. "I do have a few shops in the United States, and a few in England" I tell, while he widens his eyes. "Oh wow, amazing! What are they called?" he asks yet again, his eyes slowly lighting up again.

"It's um... It's Pierce Pastry" I nervously reply and he raises his eyebrows with the brightest smile every on his face. "No way, really? That's awesome! My whole family and I love all of your cakes and pastries, seriously, we go there for every possible occasion to get pastries or cakes!" Chris happily explains, making me laugh.

"Well that's great to hear, and now that I'm thinking about it... Is there any chance that you're Lisa's son? Her oldest son?" I carefully ask, and he gives me the softest smile. "Yeah, yeah I am. Lisa Capuano, do you know her?" he asks, switching his eyes between my eyes and my lips as he talks.

"I do, I met her in the shop here, in Boston. We always have a little small talk, and she once told me that her oldest son, Christopher, is an actor" I giggle, and he silently laughs with me. "Yup, that's my mom! Hey um, I'm sorry but... I-I have to go before the lunch break ends... I hope I'll see you again, soon enough" Chris adds, taking slow steps back.

"I'm sure you will, good luck with work today and enjoy the cupcake" I giggle, so he nods his head with a smile and walks away after waving at me. I get back in the car, drive over to the shop in Boston again and have pizza for lunch worh Emily. It's nice to spend time with one of my best friends again, it's been a little while!



- Time Skip, One Week Later -

It's been a month since Miles started working on Knives Out, and a month since he started staying with me. It's still great to not be alone the whole time at home, and it's great that I get to spend time with my little brother. In the past week, I've been thinking about Chris pretty often. I don't know how and I don't know why, but he keeps sneaking into my mind.

He always leaves a like on the pictures or Instagram stories I post, and when I see his name popping up on my screen in a notification, I can't help but smile. I haven't seen him though, but who knows, maybe I'll see him again after all! Right now, I'm in the shop in Cambridge MA, talking to my best friend Sarah.

"This might sound weird, but you're kind of glowing or something! Did something happen?" she asks while we're having lunch together. "Oh, um, I don't think so! I mean I'm gonna get my nails done later and I got a lot of paperwork done, that made me happy" I joke, making her laugh.

We talk for a while longer, until we have to get to work again. When it's 8pm, I'm all done here and grab my things. Miles isn't finishing his day till 9pm today, so I still have some time. I make my way to the nail salon, get my nails done and make my way back home after only 30 minutes of being there.


Instagram story of @ameliarose

Instagram story of @ameliarose

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I drive back to my house, and park the car on the property. There's another car here, a car I don't recognize. I slightly frown, grab my purse from the passenger seat and take a deep breath before getting out of the car. I still have an hour to spend before picking Miles up, so it can't be him... Maybe it's Sarah, maybe she got a new car! Or Emily, or Chloe... I don't know, but this freaks me out.

I walk up to the front door, and open it slowly. I see the coat that Miels was wearing today, hanging on the coat rack, so I guess it's him after all! There's also another coat there, a coat I don't recognize. I take off my own coat, and walk over to the living room. "I'll give her a call to- oh, never mind! Hey Amsy!" Miles happily says, looking at me.

"Hey sweetie, how did you-" I try to ask, but I stop talking when I walk around the little corner, seeing Chris sitting on the couch. "Hi... I-I'm sorry, we finished early and... And he said that you were at work so... I-I gave him a ride..." Chris silently explains, making me smile. "It's alright, hi! How was your day?" I ask them both, taking off my heels and throwing them back into the hallway.

"It was great, how was yours?" Miles asks in reply while I sit down on the couch as well. "It was fine, finally got my nails done" I reply, and miles takes my hand. "Blue, again" he sighs, making me laugh. "Ofcourse, what did you expect? Hey uh, did you two have dinner yet?" I ask, switching my looks from Miles to Chris and back to Miles again.

"Not yet, but I am pretty hungry" Miles replies, so I nod my head as I stand up again. "Me too, I'll go ocok something. You can stay for dinner, if you want? I'll make a few things, so you don't have to worry about not liking anything" I giggle, looking at Chris while his eyes light up again like they didast week.

"S-sure, yeah, sounds uh... Sounds good, yeah" he replies, looking a little nervous. "Alright, I'm gonna go cook then! Do you want something to drink? Both of you?" I ask again, taking a few steps back. "I'll get it" Miles replies, so I just walk up to the kitchen and grab everything I need. Miles takes Chris to the little couch with the little table in the kitchen, and grabs two beers from the fridge.

"Uh uh, nope. That's not for you" I quickly say, grabbing one of the beers from his hands. "Come on, please? You always tell me that this beer is so good and that this is the first one I should try!" he whines, but I shake my head. "It is good, and Stella Artois beer is definitely the first one you should try, but you should try it whrn you're twenty-one, not when you're eighteen" I giggle, opening the bottle in my hands and taking a sip.

"Fine..." he sighs, grabbing some come for himself now. "That's better" I add, and he rolls his eyes before giving Chris the other bottle. The little couch their on is in front of me, so I can see them pretty well while I start cooking. After finishing everything, I put the plates on the dinner table instead of the little table, because we have a guest.

"Dinner is ready!" I say, walking back to the kitchen after setting the table. Chris and Miles both sit down, thanking me for the food before we start eating. I tell them what everything is, and Chris tells me that it looks and smells amazing. He keeps giving me compliments, even about my nails! He's cute, yeah, he's adorable.

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