𝟑𝟓. 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞

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Chris' POV

I wake up the next morning, and feel my girls back pressed against my chest. I softly smile at the feeling, kiss her shoulder blade a few times and think about last night. She clearly wasn't feeling so good, and she clearly didn't want to tell me why. That's totally okay, I completely respect that, but I got worried. Very worried, to be exact. I asked her if I did something, but the way she replied to me showed me that I didn't.

She looked at me with a lot of love in her eyes, I've seen her looking like that only a few times before. When she looked at me like that, I knew that it was gonna be okay. I knew that she wasn't feeling alright, but I knew that it wasn't something I did. I wasn't going to push her into telling me anything m, I would never do that.

I still feel bad for her, so I slowly and carefully get out of bed, put on a shirt and make my way downstairs. No one is up yet, so I just get to the kitchen and start baking some pancakes after finding the ingredients. "Goodmorning, Chris!" I suddenly hear, coming from behind me. I quickly turn around, and see Amelia's mom walking up to me. "Goodmorning Mrs. Pierce" I kindly reply, giving her a smile.

"Just Angelina is fine, sweetheart. What are you doing?" she asks, getting into the kitchen as well. "Oh, um, I-I'm making Amelia some breakfast. She wasn't feeling so good last night and I felt bad for her so..." I nervously tell, which makes her mom smile again. "That's really sweet of you, you care about her, don't you?" she asks again, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"I do care about her, yes" I reply, smiling back at her. "It's really nice to see her this happy, you know? It's been a while, so thank you for making her happier. I know she appreciates it, but we all appreciate it too" she explains, making me smile again. Yup, I think I left a good first impression!

"There's no need to thank me, she makes me happy too. Thank you for letting me stay here for a week, that's really generous" I add, so she nods her head. "Well, ofcourse! It's really not a problem, we're a pretty welcoming family so if you ever need anything, even a place to stay, you're welcome here!" she laughs, so I laugh with her.

"Thank you, I appreciate that" I reply, while she nods her head again. "Anytime, sweetheart" she says, giving me another smile before walking away. I think I actually did leave a good impression, I just really wanted them to like me! When I finish the pancakes, I grab two plates and put them on there. I make my way back upstairs, put the plates on the nightstand and slowly wake my girl up.



Back to Amelia's POV

I get woken up by Chris wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, and kissing my shoulder blade and neck very softly. "Wake up, baby. I got you some breakfast" he whispers, making me smile. I turn to my other side to face him, and wrap my arms around him too. "Goodmorning" I sigh, cuddling up completely while he smiles against me, giving the top of my head a few kisses. "Goodmorning princess, how are you feeling?" he asks, running his hand through my hair before I look up.

"I'm good, why?" I ask in reply, moving myself up a little so that I can look at him better. "Because you weren't feeling so good last night, I hope you feel better now. I made you some breakfast, to cheer you up" Chris replies, so I widen my eyes and smile bright. "Do you really?" I ask again, so he nods his head and kisses my nose.

We both sit up straight, kiss each other's faces a few more times and have the delicious pancakes he made for breakfast. We talk for a while longer in here, cuddling and deciding on what we're gonna do today. "Oh, by the way, I have something to tell you!" Chris happily says, making me smile. "Go ahead!" I giggle, so he kisses my cheek and takes my hand.

"Well, I have this new project coming up soon. We were gonna start sooner but one of the leading roles called it off, they're trying to find someone else for the role now, and I was thinking about asking Miles for it" he tells, and I raise my eyebrows. "Really? Wow, that's amazing! You should definitely ask him for it, what kind of project is it?" I ask, smiling bright and feeling really proud of him right now.

"It's actually gonna be a crime series, it's called 'Defending Jacob' and I really think it'll fit Miles" he replies, looking at our hands. He tells me a little more about the series, and about how it would be a perfect role for Miles. We get out of bed afterwards, get ready for the day and make our way back to the living room.

Chris asks Miles and my parents about that role in 'Defending Jacob', and they all get really excited. Miles and my parents both say yes to it, meaning that Miles is gonna be staying with me for a while again because they're filming in Massachusetts. They'll start filming around August now, because the kid who was supposed to play the role of Jacob called it off.



- Time Skip, One Week Later -

Today, Chris and I are going back to Massachusetts. We just said goodbye to my family, and take the rented car to the airport. Once we get there, Chris wants to get out of the car but I hold him back. "Don't you, um... Don't you want to go in there like a few minutes apart? Because they'll see us together if we go in at the same time and I don't know if you want that" I say, and he lets out a silent sigh.

"Right..." he silently says, frowning a little as he looks at his hands. "It's okay, we can see each other on the plane" I add, and he slowly nods his head. "Yeah, but it sucks" he chuckles, clearly not actually laughing about this. "Maybe, but it'll be fine. We'll sit next to each other on the plane and pretend to be strangers until we get back to Massachusetts, right?" I ask, and he finally looks at me.

"Right, but it really sucks. I wanna be seen with you, I really do, but... People are gonna..." he tries to say, but I interrupt him before he can say anything else. "I know, but it's okay. We'll see each other in there, thanks for the ride, stranger" I jokingly say, making him smile as he nods his head. I give him a quick kiss on his cheek, grab my bag and get out of the car.

I walk into the airport, get to the right gate and enter the plane when I can. I haven't seen Chris yet, but that's kind of the plan. I sit down on my seat at the window, checking my phone for a second until someone sits down next to me. I immediately look up, and see Chris looking back at me with a little smile. "Hi" I silently say, while he sighs. "Hi" he whispers, clearly disappointed about this situation.

I wink at him once to let him know that it's okay, but he just gives a little smile. That poor man really wants to cuddle up right now, but he can't. "This sucks, baby" Chris whispers, so I nod my head. "I know, but it's only a few hours" I reply, making him sigh before he touches my thigh for a split second.

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