𝟑. 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥

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"Is Miles going to be staying with you for a while then? Since he's filming here and stuff?" Emily asks, as we sit down at a little table in the back of the shop here, in Boston. "Yeah, for three months to be exact. It's gonna be fun to have him around, but also weird to not be alone or something, you know?" I ask in reply, and she nods her head.

"Well yeah, I get that but... Maybe you can get used to having someone around? You know, just so you can maybe start dating again?" she asks, making me look up immediately. "No" I reply after a moment of just looking at her, before taking a sip of my caramel latte. "Come on, Am. Are you sure about that? You're seriously gonna end up alone like this" she sighs, so I slowly nod my head.

"I know, I just... I don't want to date, you know I dont. I just don't, I don't date" I tell, and she sighs again. "Yeah yeah, I know, but still. You always wanted kids, I remember you saying that a lot when we talked about the future when we were younger. You're not gonna have kids if you don't have a boyfriend! You haven't been on a date in 7 years, you haven't even had sex in 7 years and honestly, that's horrible. I could never, never do that" she giggles, also taking a sip of her coffee.

"I'm doing just fine, thanks. I don't need sex to function" I reply, making her laugh. "I'm sure you don't, but don't you ever wanna... You know... Get some dick?" Emily asks, making me sigh. "Sure, but I just don't. I'll be fine, trust me" I laugh, so she laughs with me again. "So you're never gonna have sex again? Like, never never? I can introduce you to a few friends of my brother's, I'm sure they're up for a night of steam without a date before it after" she adds, winking at me while I roll my eyes.

"No, but thanks a lot!" I giggle, and we both laugh. We talk for a while longer, until I have an online meeting. I do the meeting with some of the other coworkers from all over the United States and England, and get back to the shop afterwards. It's true, I haven't dated or had sex in 7 years, but I'm fine with it! I don't ever wanna date again, so it's just something I'll have to live with.



Chris' POV

A few minutes ago, I arrived at the set of the new movie I'm doing, called Knives Out. I love this cast, they're all amazing people! I'm glad I can stay home for this movie, it's just here in Boston and about 5 to 10 minutes away from my house. It's great, I love it already. While I'm talking to Daniel and Katherine for a bit, someone else walks up to us. It's just a kid, so I'm assuming he has the role of Jacob Thrombey in this movie!

"Um... H-hi! I'm, um, I-I'm Miles... M-Miles Pierce and uh... Um, I-I got the role of J-Jacob, Jacob Thrombey. It's, um... It's n-nice to meet you all" the kid silently stutters, making us smile. "Hi Miles, it's so nice to meet you! I'm Katherine, but you can just call me Kat" Katherine kindly tells, shaking his hand. Daniel introduces himself as well, and Miles looks at me now.

"Hey Miles, it's nice to meet you too. I'm Chris, I'm looking forward to working with you! Did you get your own trailer yet?" I ask, also shaking his hand which makes him smile. "Y-yeah, but I-I haven't been there yet" he replies, so I smile back at him. "Come on kid, I'll walk with you. Are you excited to start tomorrow?" I ask again, walking with him to the trailers.

"I am, yeah! I'm nervous though" Miles replies, looking up at me for a second. "Yeah, I get that. I'm kinda nervous too, you know? It's a big movie, lots of actors here. I mean, that's Daniel Craig, you know" I chuckle, making him laugh. I'm just trying to make him feel a little better, anxiety can be a bitch and he's just a kid.

"Yeah, and Chris Evans" he laughs, so I laugh woth him and we get to his trailer. I tell him abotr everything that's in here, and answer some of the questions he has for me. "Your name is Miles Pierce, right? I'll follow you on Instagram, hold on" I say after talking to him in his trailer for a while, grabbing my phone.

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