𝟒𝟓. 𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤

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- Time Skip, Two Months Later -

Two weeks after the doctor's appointment, Chris got his appendix removed. He was nervous about the surgery, but I went with him and calmed him down. We're still doing great, better than ever even. A few days ago, Chris and Miles both started doing Defending Jacob here, in Massachusetts. I haven't really told my family about how Chris and I are right now because I'm a little scared of their reaction, but I have told Miles.

He just needed to know, I mean, he's staying at my place and Chris spends his time there whenever we're not at his place. Miles didn't see us kiss yet, but I did tell him that we kissed and that we're unofficially together. He's really happy for us, and he told me that he wrote that song 'Do It All Again' for us. He also said that he already knew from the moment I looked at Chris for the first time, which made me laugh.

I've been spending some time on set with Miles and Chris, but to be completely honest, I don't really like seeing Chris kissing another woman. It's his job, and it's completely fine, and I'm not mad, and I'm not jealous, and I'm not holding him back, I just look away sometimes.

The way he looks as Andy Barber, makes me weak. He's so hot and sexy, together with cute and precious. His hair is all fluffy, his beard is full and his muscles are popping out of every single shirt he wears. I'm dying inside when I see him looking like that, he just makes me want to jump his bones every time. After spending another day on set, Miles makes his way to my place and I make my way to Chris' place with my man.

He's washing his hands in the kitchen after we took a walk with Dodger and Stevie, and I sit down on a barstool at the counter to look at him. "Chris? I want you to know that I love you, but..." I say, getting a little nervous. He immediately looks up at me, turning the water off as his eyes fill themselves with worry and concern.

"Can we uh... Talk?" I ask, and his face completely drops. It's like he's seeing ghosts or living nightmares or something, he's looking more concerned than I've ever seen. He stays silent for a while, looking right at me as his eyes tear up. "No" he finally replies, not changing his facial expression at all.

"No?" I ask, frowning a little while he shakes his head. "No, no! No, we're not gonna talk, we're gonna fix whatever it is that's bothering you but we're not breaking up. We're not doing that, I won't let you" Chris loudly exclaims, making me smile a little. Poor thing, he's panicking for nothing!

"Honey, let's talk" I sigh, but he shakes his head again while a few tears leave his eyes. He walks over to the side of the counter where I'm sitting at, and sits down next to me. He takes both of my hands in his and looks right into my eyes, letting out another few tears.

"We're not breaking up, Amelia... Seriously, you're my future wife and the future mother of my kids, we're not breaking up. We can fix everything together, okay? I don't know what I did, or what you think I did, but were not breaking up. We're not breaking up, never, that's not happening because I love you too much and I just-" he explains, but I interrupt him by kissing his lips to stop him from freaking out, and whisper a little 'it's okay' against his lips before kissing him again.

"Chrissy, look at me. Does it look like I want to break up? Does it look like I don't love you anymore? Does it look like you did something? I just want to talk about us, that's all. I just want to talk about what we are and what you see in the future, nothing more and nothing less, okay?" I ask, wiping away a few of his tears for him.

"Okay..." he whispers, clearly trying not to cry again. I nod my head, give him some more kisses and take his hands again. We hug and kiss for a while, before I get up to grab us two cups of tea and some cookies I made. We sit down on the couch, and I cuddle up against him. We put on a Disney movie as we cuddle, but still, we didn't talk about the things I wanted to talk about.

I look up at Chris in the middle of the movie, and let out a silent sigh. "You alright, baby?" he asks, looking down at me and running his hand through my hair very softly and gently. I nod my head, give his chin a little kiss and go back to watching the movie. It's okay, we don't have to talk now. Everything is fine like this, it'll be okay.

"Hey um... We can talk, baby. Just don't break up with me, because I simply won't listen if you say anything remotely like that" he jokingly says, making me laugh. "I'm not breaking up with you, bubba. Besides, we can't even 'break up' because we're not together" I reply, trying to make the topic of the conversation obvious.

"What do you mean, we're not together?" he asks again, frowning a little before I sit up straight. "Well uh... We never really talked about what we are, so..." I nervously say, and he slowly nods his head. "Right, we never did..." Chris silently replies, so I also slowly nod my head.

"How's this; I'll take you on a nice date, and officially ask you to be mine. How does that sound?" he suggests, making me smile. "I love how spontaneously you came up with that plan" I giggle, obviously joking and being sarcastic which makes him laugh with me.

"Sorry baby, I just uh... I've been wanting to ask you to be my girlfriend ever since we went out for dinner like 8 or 9 months ago or something, I didn't ask you because I didn't want to ruin anything we had. I knew you were scared, so I figured that I'd just leave things the way they were. I didn't want to scare you off, so that's why I never officially asked you. But let's be honest here, we can set the date for April 22nd, that's when we first kissed" he jokingly adds, so I laugh again.

"It's not like I need to be in an official relationship with you to love you though, I mean, I don't want to push you into anything. I guess I just need some clarity about what we are at this point because believe me, I love it, but I need to know what it is, you know? Like, I guess I just want my mind made up or something, I don't know, it's stupid" I explain, looking at my hands.

Chris let's out a silent sigh, places his hand on my cheek and makes me look up. He gives my lips a soft kiss, followed by a soft kiss on my cheek. "I love you, Amelia. It's not stupid at all to want to have some clarity, and to be honest, I'd like some clarity too. I want you to be my girl, I've been wanting you to be my girl from the moment I met you in that parking lot. I'd ask you to be my girl right here, right now... But now I'm obviously gonna plan something special" he says, making me laugh.

"Alright, prince charming" I giggle, cuddling up again as I slowly shake my head. He's so cute, I'm the luckiest woman on earth. This man is perfect, inside and out. I love him with all my heart, and I'm never ever letting go.

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