𝟏𝟏. 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

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After talking about pretty much every topic we could possibly talk about, we get hungry for dessert. "Hey, here's an idea... Let's go out for ice cream and take a walk through the park, instead of having dessert here" Chris suggests, making me smile bright. "I'd like that, yeah" I giggle, making him laugh. We ask for the check, and once it's here, I grab my wallet.

I take some cash out, but before I can put it down, Chris takes my hands and makes me look up. He slightly frowns, gives me the sweetest smile and shakes his head while he pays for the dinner with his card. "What? No, wait, why did you-" I try to ask, but he interrupts me.

"I'm not letting you pay for dinner, sweetheart. That's not the way this works, now let's go out for some ice cream" he tells, standing up and walking over to me to help me with my chair. "Well... Can I pay you back?" I ask, not understanding why he just paid for our dinner.

"No, you can't. Let's go" he chuckles, offering me his hand with a smile. I let out a silent sigh, can't help but smile and take his hand. He takes me to the exit of the restaurant, opening the door for me as well. He offers me his arm again like he did on set, so I wrap mine around his and we take that walk.

"Can I pay for ice cream, please?" I silently ask, not wanting to ruin this moment but also not wanting to make him feel like he had and has to pay for me. I just don't want him to feel like I'm using him for that, because I'm not, I'd never ever do that. "Again, that's not how this works, sweetheart. Don't look at me like that, it makes me melt" he jokingly sighs, making me laugh.

"Chris, seriously though, can I pay for ice cream? I wanna pay for ice cream, and I want to pay you back for dinner. Please?" I ask again, but he shakes his head. "It's really not gonna happen, I want to pay for everything tonight. Maybe, just maybe, I'll let you pay for ice cream if we do this again sometime. But that's just maybe, about the paying thing. I definitely want to do this again" he explains, making me smile yet again.

"We're having a good time, aren't we?" I giggle, so he nods his head and laughs with me. Once we get to a little shop, Chris buys us some ice cream. I thank him for dinner and the ice cream about 100 times, while we walk around to find a little bench. We sit down there, eating our ice cream and talking about even more things. It's been one night out, but I feel like I know a lot about him now.

"So uh, you told me that you wanted to get a dog, right?" he asks, slowly moving his arm up to rest it on the back of the bench. "I do want a dog, a rescue. I just never did it, I don't know why" I reply, making him frown. "Well, why don't you? I mean, you'd be a great dog mom, I'm sure about that. Dogs are great company, and personally, it helps when I get anxious. You know, the feeling of not being entirely alone" he explains, making me look at him.

He told me about his anxiety, and I told him about mine. It's nice to know that someone gets it, that someone knows what I'm going through when I'm anxious, but it really sucks for him. I feel really bad for him, since he's an actor and he as to work with a lot of people, it can be terrible.

"Right, I can imagine that... I don't know, I just... I guess I just never really went through with it" I add, and he slowly nods his head. "Well, I think you should. There are many, many pros, and not a lot of cons. I mean, they have to go out on walks and stuff like that, you have to buy them food and toys and all the other things they need, but those are pretty much all the cons" Chris says, and I also nod my head.

"You're right, maybe I should just do it" I sigh, looking at my hands. "Hey, what's up, beautiful?" he asks, while he places his fingers under my chin to make me look up for a moment, after a moment of silence. "I want to have a dog, I just don't want to do it wrong. I'm afraid that I'm gonna screw it up" I explain, and he let's out a silent sigh.

"I get that, it's a responsibility to have a dog, but I'm sure that you'll be the best dog mom. You can do it, I don't want to pressure you so please tell me if I am, but I'm seriously one hundred percent sure that you can do it. And it's just a lot of fun to have a dog around, maybe it'll help with your anxiety too. Besides, Dodger could use a friend" he jokingly tells, making me laugh.

We talk about it for only a little while longer, before switching the subject. "So uh, you told me that Miles also makes music, right? Does he just make the music it does he also like, sing?" Chris asks, looking down at me while his arm is still behind me, over the bench.

"He does both, he actually has full on songs! He recorded them too, but he's not publishing them. He should though, the songs are amazing" I reply, making him smile. "Now I'm curious" he adds, and we both laugh. I ask Chris about if he has more upcoming projects, and he tells me about them. Because I did a lot on paperwork and other stuff in the past few months, I'm taking a week off, starting tomorrow.

I already finished all the paperwork that had to be done for that week, so that's why I was able to take the following week off. It'll be nice to have some rest, just spending the week making up new recipes and watching Chris' movies! I tell him about that, and he tells me that I should visit the set as much as I can because otherwise, he'll 'miss me too much'.

"I think I can come to the set tomorrow, I'll make a new kind of pie and-" I try to say, but I get interrupted by my phone ringing. "I'm sorry, it's Miles. Do you mind?" I ask, looking at my phone for a second and back up at Chris again. "Ofcourse, go ahead" he kindly replies, so I give him a smile and pick up the phone.


|Incoming call from...|

Hey sweetie!

Hey Am! So uh, we're done!
Can you pick me up?

Sure, I'll be there in about
25 minutes then

Yeah, thanks! I'll wait at the

Great! Did you have fun?

I did, yes! Thanks again, for
giving me a ride

Ofcourse, don't worry about
it. I'm on my way!

See ya!

You ended the call with


"So um, that was Miles. I have to pick him up in like 25 minutes, he things I'm in Cambridge so" I giggle, making Chris laugh. "Right, yeah. Let's go then" he adds with a smile, standing up and offering me his hand. "Wait, you have some ice cream on your chin" I say, placing my hand on his cheek for a second to make him look at me.

I slightly lick my thumb, and rub the ice cream off his chin. I clean it up even more by using my sleeve, and give him a smile. "There you go, all clean" I giggle, making him smile as he looks at my lips again. I like it when he does that, his eyes always switch from my eyes to my lips at leat once during every sentence.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 ➳ 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now